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New game changing opportunity!

Hey everyone!  I am kaylin and I have an amazing new opportunity to share! A little background on myself before i get into this great opportunity!  I am a mom of 2!  My husband and i have been together for 11 years and married for 2!  I am a border collie lover and have two wonderful collies of my own!  To be honest i have always been skeptical of multi level marketing companies.  I thought i cant sell stuff.  I wont be any good at that.  Do people actually make money that way?  So many doubts and so many questions.  I had always held a job and up until 2 years ago was content working the 9-5.  When my husband changed jobs it just wasn't feesable for me to work anymore and I started staying home taking care of the kids and living the stay at home momlife!!  It is great i love being able to be home with my kids and go to sports events and school functions, but after a while i just needed something else.  I needed to cobtribute financially.  So i started weighing in on my options.  I lookrd into Several mlm opportunities!  But nothing fit me.  Then out of the blue one day a friend messaged me with the opportunity i am about to share with you! Again i was skeptical.  The product just sounded too good to be true! But she came over and let me try a sample. Thats all it took, i was hooked and couldnt wait to join!  And thats just what i did!  I was one of the first 250 stylists with this company and it has already far exceeded my expectations! Everyone is so supportive, coorperate listens to all of us and our customers!  The support and relationships built have been life changing in the best possible way!! Color Street just launched in June and is taking off!!  Ground floor opportunity!  This company has allowed me to do the extra things my family could not afford before I joined!  My daughter gets to be in gymnastics, we took a family vacay this year! And my husband doesn't have to work a ton of overtime anymore!  More family time and family fun!  Just by putting in about 10hrs/week on fb!!  Don't miss your opportunity when it comes knocking! This product is a game changer!  How many of you love going to a salon but don't have time or the finances to do so?  Who gets frustrated after spending time painting your nails and while waiting for them to dry they smear or get smudged?  Who doesn't want to use heat or harmful uv rays?  Game-changer!  Now all of those problems can disappear.  Manis and pedis that are salon quality durable beautiful and super easy to apply without heat or dry time!!! That's right!  No heat no dry time!!  They are also vegan cruelty free Already selling out as the product is fantastic and in high demand!! Get on board while you can start at the top!!  Message me if you're Interested or have questions! Join me on f
This article was published on 06.11.2017 by Kaylin Francis
Author's business opportunity:

Color street - 100% nail polish str, 129 USD to join

Member comments:

Kaylin Francis Join me on Facebook! We can talk about the opportunity then!! Color street with kaylin is my vip group   6 years ago
Kaylin Francis   6 years ago

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