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The chase for HGH and The Fountain of Youth

NewULife Review

Please do me a favor. PAY close attention and read this all the way through because I am going to walk you through the company, products and compensation plan. After you see what the product does for your mind and body, you are going to want to see what it can do for you to change your financial future. 

My story: This will be the short version, but it should be enough to let you see the potential that is here with this product. 

 Since 2010 I have been active as a coach in the MMA world in my local area. Before that, I had been involved in combat sports my entire life. From boxing in the late 70s to owning a TKD school in the 90s to also training seriously in Muay Thai in the early 2000's for a few years. In 2015 one of my fighters had a chance to fight for the local heavyweight amateur title.

 During the buildup to the fight, he and I did a tremendous amount of one on one training in The Dungeon, my local gym. One day I saw him rubbing on this gel from a nondeive plastic bottle. Now please keep in mind that he was fighting for this title at age 35. Considered kind of old for this sport. I asked him what it was as there is always a gel or balm floating around that the fighters will be using and I was curious as to what possible "concoction" this was. He told me that his friend had been sending it to him to test for about six months and that this was an experimental HGH cream from a test facility out West. They were sending it to athletes across the country to test the market and gather results.

It turns out that he was using the same gel over 3 1/2 years ago. And this is before it ever got near the general public. He said it gave him energy, helped him cut weight for the fight and helped his recovery time from minor injuries. He claimed it was his secret fountain of youth. 

 (Side note- He won the title with a 12 seconds KO)

I had been in touch with the manufacturers after the fight but the HGH gel was not ready to bring to market and 6 or so months later my interest level went to zero as I found myself in the biggest fight of my life.  

15 days in the hospital and I was diagnosed with an extremely rare blood disorder (1 out of 1 million...yippee) That started an interesting 2-year journey where I was pretty much trying to put it away. But it is an insidious bastard and sticks with me to this day. And unfortunately this past Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with head and neck cancer. Not to bore anyone as we all have sad or bad stories but that was not the most fun of journies. Today I am done with all treatments (5 months) am under "cancer watch" and feel pretty good for a supposedly sick guy.  

Needless to say (3 1/2 years later) that when the opportunity to become involved with this was in front of me, I was ecstatic as to the potential because we already knew what this could do for someone in the physical sense. The money is the bonus part of this  

What Is NewULife? 
A US-based company New U Life specializes in the health and wellness industry. 
NewULife promotes a product that is unique and not found anywhere else. It indeed is one of a kind in both the health industry and the network marketing arena.  

Company Background

The company was created by Alex Goldstein who according to his bio is a certified homeopath, herbalist, respected ideologist, nutritional consultant (and) creator of this exclusive formula 

Store owner by day, college student by night, Goldstein mastered and expanded his families retail business.

Over time, he began researching the products he was marketing and selling and wondered if he could create an individual stand-alone line developed to higher standards and having it answer particular customer needs. After his graduation, He decided to continue his education going in a little different direction and became a Certified Homeopath and Certified Herbalist. With knowledge came insight as he saw from customer interactions that they were gaps in the marketplace when it came to natural living 

His first company to address these needs- Natural Life Foods, introduced a line of natural, premium pharmaceutical products that the company retailed online and in their California stores. From those roots has grown the product recently launched on a very limited basis and it has captivated the market. HGH in a gel. And the FDA has looked at it and approved to be sold to the general public. That is big news in the health and wellness industry


NewULife has a one of a kind stand-alone product called HGH Gel which stands for “homeopathic human growth hormone.” 

From the main website: 

NewULife’s homeopathic HGH gel is the only transdermal, FDA registered human growth hormone product available without a preion. The molecular breakdown of HGH found in HGH gel is a synthetic USP human growth hormone (somatropin). 

Real HGH Benefits could include

Improved stamina

Increased energy

Improved sleep

Improved muscle definition

Heightened libido

Increased strength

Weight loss

Improved vision

Enhanced focus

increase muscle mass

Hair growth

PMS symptoms reduced

Greater flexibility

Healthier nails

Enhanced joint mobility

Increase in sexual desire

Alleviation in some menopausal symptoms

More significant improvements in skin texture and appearance

Reduction of the presence of wrinkles

Hair grows even healthier and thicker

Cellulite reduction

Improved immune system

Pain & general soreness decreases

Wounds could heal quicker

Greater metabolic output

Grayed hair returns to natural color

Reduction in LDL cholesterol

Blood pressure normalizes

Heart rate improves

HGH Gel retails for $169.99 for a 3.5 oz (100 ml) pump bottle. Seems pricey but it’s a bargain because real HGH can cost thousands of dollars per year.

Autoship cost is $140 per bottle, significant savings.

Compensation Plan

NewULife Compensation plan rewards members for both selling retail products to customers and sponsoring new business associates.

There are two reasons why people are excited. The product really works and the pay plan is fantastic. 

NewULife has seven levels in total inside of their compensation plan.

Basic membership-$199 and comes with one HGH Gel. (Includes fully replicated website and back office immediately upon joining for $59)  Pro Pack is $499 (4 bottles), and the Executive Pack is $899 (8 bottles).

PRE-LAUNCH OFFER- Secure your spot for $59. This is once in a lifetime opportunity- All new distributors who join before Sept. 15 will get their choice of a 3 - 5 or 7-day complimentary vacations at one of many resorts throughout the United States, Mexico, and Thailand. Value $585 to $1600


Authentic HGH is the proven elixir for aging. Don't believe it watch Rocky 4, 5 or 6, ( not sure which one, hell watch them all ) Sylvester Stallone swore by HGH and said we should all have access to it.) Is this HGH Gel going to provide a missing link between yesterday and tomorrow when it comes to being in peak health? All we can do is tell you the story.

 You have to decide.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss further.

Scott Hamilton


BONUS- Complimentary $300 dining certificate for looking at the product and spending 10 minutes on the phone with me. Complimentary vacation for all new members ( and you would be able to offer this to all of your new customers)

Value you up to $2394.00

This article was published on 19.08.2018 by Scott Hamilton
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