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MOIA Flight Plan to Freedom | Journey to the Forth Quadrant

In a previous Member’s Business Announcement article, entitled “The MOIA Flight Plan to Freedom,” I introduced the concept of the Life GPS and described how we can use the Life GPS to navigate our way to success, in much the same way that an airplane pilot or motorist uses an electronic GPS to navigate their way to their chosen destination.

You can learn more about the Life GPS by referring to my previous article but, in summary, the article highlights the similarities and differences between the Life GPS and the familiar electronic GPS devices used by pilots and motorists. The similarities are that both need a starting point and a destination to be defined in order to show the user the rout forward. The differences are that the letters GPS stand for different things in each case. With regard to the electronic GPS, most people will know that the letters GPS stand for Global Positioning System. However, when it comes to the Life GPS, the letters GPS represent the following:

G stands for Goals

P stands for Purpose

S stands for Strategy

In this article I am going to focus on the “G” for Goals aspect of the Life GPS. We are going to discuss goals, simply because you cannot achieve anything unless you know what you want to achieve and the thing we achieve is often referred to as a goal.

What is a Goal?

Now, Wikipedia defines a goal as:

“a desired result that a person or a system envisions, plans, and commits to achieve: a personal or organisational desired end point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines. It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has intrinsic value.”

A much simpler way to visualize a goal is think about a game like football, soccer or hockey. Here, the object that you aim for is called a “goal,” and you know that the objective of the game is to get the ball or the puck in the back of the net, and in doing so you will have scored a goal. The way the game is organised, the way that you have to work to score that goal, or to get a team mate in a position to score that goal, can be read across to how you can set goals in life and in your business. 

Now there are two different types of goal. There are short term goals and there are long term goals. Short term goals are expected to be accomplished in a short period of time. An example of a short-term goal might be something like aiming to get a bill paid in the next few days. Short term goals can be stand-alone accomplishments or they can be steps along the way to achieving a longer-term goal. Therefore, in our example of the short-term goal of paying a bill, this could a stand-alone payment of a bill or it could be a mortgage payment, which is a step along the way to the longer-term goal of getting your house paid off.

Now, long term goals are also called an objective and they can take many years or even a lifetime to achieve. For example, long-term goals may include things like gaining a professional qualification, or purchasing a home outright. These are things that take a long time to accomplish.

Goal Setting for High Achievement

Now, when it comes to setting goals, you want to stick to what is known as the SMART system. Now what do we mean by SMART. It means that your goals must be:

Specific - you must have a specific aim in mind when you are setting that goal.

• Measurable - you must be able to see whether your goal has been achieved or how close you are to achieving it.

Achievable - you must be able to do it yourself or have the means to achieve the goal.

Realistic - it should not be pie in the sky or a pipe dream. You must have a realistic prospect of achieving it.

Timely - there must be a time frame for when you want the goal to be accomplished.

And if we go back to our football or soccer analogy, you know exactly what the goal is - the specific goal is to get the ball in the back of the net. It is measurable because you can look at the score board and see how many goals you have scored. It is certainly achievable because that is the whole object of the game. It is realistic, especially if the two teams are evenly matched, and it is timely because you have a set time in which the game will be played. 

Now, when you are setting your goals in life or business, you want to start with the result you want to achieve and work back from that. In other words, you want to think about WHAT you want to achieve. HOW you are going to achieve it will come later, because once you have decided what it is you want, you can then work backwards step by step to where you are now and you will have a clear road map towards achieving your goals. 

Designing Your Lifestyle

Now, what is your Life goal? What is the goal that you will program into your Life GPS? If money, time and mobility were no object, how would you live your life? What would truly make you happy?

In his book, “The 4 Hour Workweek,” Tim Ferris introduces the concept of Lifestyle Design, which he defines as ditching the conventional life-plan of holding down a “good” job whilst looking forward to a happy retirement, hopefully with a decent pension, at some point in the distant future.

Lifestyle Design is about embracing new technology to create a “luxury” lifestyle in the present. It is an entirely new approach to business and life that can make you happier, freer and richer, NOW! Thousands of people around the world are adopting the principles of lifestyle design and using it to travel, spend more time with their families and to do the work that they love, the way that they want to do it.

Journey to the Forth Quadrant

Now, the three ingredients of a luxury lifestyle are Time, Money and Mobility and in his excellent book, “Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant,” Mr Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling Author and Educational Entrepreneur, describes how some people live the luxury lifestyle by having the freedom to work when they want, earn more, and to travel when they choose to.

The significance of the Cashflow Quadrant is that it is the inspiration behind the MOIA Flight Plan to Freedom and Our Goal of achieving true Time, Money and Location freedom.

The Cashflow Quadrant is in fact a way of categorizing people into four groups, according to how they earn their income. The diagram below shows how each quadrant or group is respectively represented by the letters E, S, B and I, where E stands for Employee, S represents people that are Self-Employed, B is for Business owners and I stands for Investors.

Now, although it is possible for people in each group to earn a great deal of money, it is only the people in the third and fourth quadrants, that is the B and I groups on the right side of the Cashflow Quadrant, who are truly free because the people in these two groups are, in the main, not tied down by their jobs. Their assets work to earn income for them even when they are not present, as compared with the employee or self-employed groups who generally have to be present at their job of work in order to get paid. The vast majority of people are in the E and S categories on the left side of the Cashflow Quadrant and if you are one of those people and you want true financial freedom, then your Goal should be to move yourself to the Business owner or Investor groups on the right side of the Cashflow Quadrant.

The MOIA Flight Plan to Freedom is the vehicle that I and many others are using to propel ourselves from the left to the right side of the Cashflow Quadrant, in the shortest time possible, and you can use it to do the same.

Do you want to make significant changes in your life and design your own luxury lifestyle? Are you ready to move beyond conventional job security and enter the world of true financial freedom?

Then click the link below and join us on our exciting journey to the Third and Forth Quadrants where you will discover more Time, Money and Location Freedom.

>> Click Here to Jump on the MOIA Flight Plan to Freedom <<

This article was published on 16.02.2017 by Derrick Mkandla
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