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The Only Team In MCA That is Going To Teach You Real Marketing Strategies

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97% Of People that Join Motor Club of America 

Are Going To Fail.. No , I am not bashing MCA in any form or way. So many MCA Associates have mislead new joiners by flashing money and back offices tagging 150 people on social media. Yes!! Money is enticing and very attractive.. But it truly misleads so many people into believing that MCA is a Get RICH QUICK OR PYRAMID SCHEME!

So What happens to the people who sign up and Join MCA? They get stranded feeling frustrated not knowing what the next move is? Or how to share there business opportunity

So they wait for another associate to come alomg and ask them for assistance who also is stupidly stuck.. Then they eventually quit frustrated and broke feeling like they had a fast one pulled on them or felt scammed. 

Well guess what? I was one of those people and i did quit for awhile.. But i suddenly realized ? I felt the same exact way working a 9 to 5 job.

I worked 12+ hours a day with a family member who owns his own business and he was only paying me $70 a day.. Coming home tired and frustrated because my gas tank is empty and wife and 4 kids are hungry.. That leaves me flat ass broke again. I was tired of being screwed around and still popped online once an while and seen MCA Associates making fat paychecks.. So i decided WHY NOT ME!! If i was making MONEY that just means that there is something i don't know ? 

I knew fake it until i make it was not going to work! So i searched and searched and i found a new Team.. this team was different .. I joined a private fb group and i did not see any money flashing and did not see anything mentioning Motor Club of America and they were teach real marketing strategies that would work with any business.. And nothing aimed toward fb or YouTube..these were tactics i have never though of like bandit signs , flyer's and drop cards dropped and pre-written letters for auto shops, car dealerships , tow companies etc.

I was walked all the way through a brand new process to me that actually works.. I couldn't as for better support from a team that didn't even sign me up. So now i am ready to help others grow in MCA and for the 1st 100 people i have a special bonus $50 gift card just for taking the time out of your day to watch my presentation. I know your time is valuable so i felt YOU deserve it.

This article was published on 13.10.2017 by Buddy Boome
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Jordan Meares Tell me more.   6 years ago

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