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Network Marketing Sales Funnel Construction 101

Network Marketing Sales Funnel Construction 101:

Here's How to Plan, Build and Weaponize a Fully Functional Online Funnel in less than 3 Hours!

There's an old saying that goes,

Everything is hard before it's easy.

I remember back in the fifth grade. I had a teacher at Kennedy Elementary School named Mr. Ament.

Mr. Ament had a format for how we were supposed to hand in our homework. (And it was nonnegotiable.)

He required name and date on the top right of the paper, subject and name of assignment on top left of the paper. And back when I was a kid, I remember thinking this was so hard to remember, let alone do. But after a couple rejected homework submissions, my parents "helped me" figure out a way to push through and learn it anyway (if you know what I mean).

And after the first few times, something magical happened... it became easy. And a few weeks in, it was a no-brainer.

If you've ever tried to launch an online sales funnel on your own before, you'll realize there's a lot to know it's a lot to learn.

But over time, the more funnels you create, the easier they get.

Once you're familiar with the steps I'm about to share with you, you'll be able to launch a fully operational customized online sales funnel in less than two hours.

Here's how.

1. Plan Your Funnel

Identify you funnel's Unique Selling Proposition, or USP. In other words, what's interesting or different about the marketing angle you're about to take?

For example, I launched a funnel with training on, "How to reboot a network marketing business in a digital way."

I launched another funnel using the angle of, "Broke, divorced, loser dad stumbles into little known strategy and now enrolls 5 new reps per week consistently!"

Next identify the steps of your funnel. For example:

The prospect finds the initial bridge (introduction) page that leads to an email optin (squeeze) page, to a free training page, to a paid offer sales page.

Develop USP and layout of your funnel before ever building anything and this will bring us to...

2. Build Your Funnel

There is no easier way than to use funnel building software on the internet.

I personally use a company called Dropfunnels and am contemplating going with ClickFunnels instead - as Dropfunnels' affiliate program is a little on the wonky side.

Regardless, in this step, literally go through and build out the pages with the website copy of your offer.

I like to use pre-existing templates whenever I possibly can, and one of the things I like about any (worthwhile) online funnel building software is they will let you copy an existing template and alter it from there into a brand new, unique funnel.

This way there's no reinventing of the the wheel, and this saves a lot of time.

So literally build out the stepwise webpages one after the next.

3. Weaponize Your Funnel

How do you weaponize a funnel?

If you're like me, your online funnels are going to include some custom video of you.

In this step, shoot and produce the actual videos, upload your videos to a video platform and embed them into your funnel pages.

Vidoes to shoot typically include an intro video and a training video.

After reading your video content, write at least a five-email follow-up sequence.

If you load these into an autoresponder like AWeber, they will go out automatically without you ever having to write them manually ever again or click the send button. They'll go out in your sleep! - Handy, right?

Test your funnel by actually signing up for your offer and going through your new funnel step by step, and ensure everything is working as it should. 

A Funnel Producing Freak

And there you have it. 

Everything is hard before it's easy. And in my experience, (especially being as technologically handicapped as I am) there is nothing that was as hard for me in the beginning as building online sales funnels.

But just like anything else, if you stick with it the skills required to produce an online sales funnel become easier and more effortless with practice.

It's kind of like building up what I like to call, "skill muscles". Because an online sales funnel includes several micro-skills. Email writing. Video production. Some website design. Creating graphic assets. And the list goes on.

The great part is, none of them are too terribly hard. Heck I'm walking and talking proof of that! If I can do it, anybody can.

What if your ability to write your own paycheck in the future will be determined by your ability to create new, tantalizing offers through which to send online traffic and turn into dollar bills on the other side? Because the more commerce that happens online, the more you can be absolutely sure this model is not going away anytime soon!

Being able to build online sales funnels is one of, if not THE master skill that any network marketing or home business professional needs in their arsenal immediately to start enrolling new reps consistently!

 What if you could Look Over My Shoulder to Build Your Own Online Sales Funnels?

There is no way in the world I would've learned this skill without somebody taking me by the hand and walking me through funnel building step-by-step. 

And today I would like to offer you the same level of personalized care that made all the difference for me.

For starters, let's connect. Reach out to me and let's start a conversation.

Next, I'd like to share some training with you that helps you understand how funnels strategically fit into your business model as a network marketer.

This is the exact same training I used to finally launch my digital network marketing business!

And the great news is this: I've worked it out so that you can secure the exact same training not for the normal price virtually everybody else had the pay of $297, but using MY link, you can get it for only $29.

Access the life changing training right here.

Let's reach out and connect.

You're worth it,

Adam Tigges


This article was published on 24.07.2021 by Adam Tigges
Author's business opportunity:

Digital Enrollment Machine - Online Sponsoring, 150 USD to join

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