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FOUR CORNERS ALLIANCE GROUP is a company that offers the average person to turn a one time fee of $18 to over $500,000 . Plus residual monthly income that pays you every month for the rest of your life . 4corners has a wonderful compensation plan it will change your life and family and it works fast. 4 corners has two products:

1. A set of financial Education e.books

2.monthly news letter They are automatically sold for you by the system.

These products are high quality cutting edge and very informational about finances and business.

It costs $18 to sign up a one time cost.

No experience Needed. All you need is to refer four friends to sign up under you .Then help them to get 4 friends each of their own and you are done . Your friends and their sign-ups will duplicate this process . Of course if you sign up more people you earn much more .you earn 100% matching bonuses.

4corners is great for people new to network marketing and are looking for the easiest , cheapest and most simple way to earn extra income from home every week and re-occurring monthly. It's very simple. little effort. you can be done with in a couple of days by signing up only 4 friends and they repeat the process. You don't need to quit your job. 4corners takes No time or effort st all. You can do this at your own pace in your spare time.

4corners is an $18 business decision. If you are scared to invest $18 into your future then go a head and spend it on these things you spend it on shoes, beer, cloths,food, movies Airtime..... They will gladly take it.


If you are ready to make money this is how 4corners alliance group works.

STEP 1: All you need is $18 to sign up. Ask the person who shared the business with you their referral link. you get your link after signing up which you give to those you share the business with to sign up under you.

STEP2: After signing up you get 4 friends to sign up under you .

STEP3 Teach those 4 friends how to get 4 sign ups of their own . Every body repeating the process. Simple right? Becoming financially independent has never been made easy. 4corners Alliance is truly a game, life changing company.

HOW DOES MY INCOME GROW? This is how you can make $500,000+ in 6 weeks.

Step 1. Join Four Corners Alliance Group for only a one time payment of $18

Step 2. Refer 4 active friends

Step 3. Help them refer 4 active people

Step 4. Ensure everyone in your team gets their 4 active friends ready to do the above 3 steps. Step 5. You Earn $559,824 Assuming you can work hard on this right away, every week:

Week 1: You sign up 4 people and you earn $16.

week 2. Those 4people sign up their own 4 people= 16 people, you earn $64

Week 3. Those 16 sign up 4 people= 64 people, you earn $640

Week 4. Those 64 sign-up 4 people= 256 people, you earn $6,144 (in 4 weeks you can have $6,144 in your pocket)

Week 5. Those 256 sign up 4 people= 1,024 people, you earn $61,440

Week 6. Those 1,024 sign up 4 people= 4,096 people,you earn $491,20

A total of $559,824 And all you did was pay $18 and referred only 4 people in one week and encouraging your people to do the same!

What if it takes you one month to sign-up 4 people and it takes everybody else an average of one month to sign-up 4 people? In 6 weeks you will still earn the $559,824. Half a million dollars in still sounds cool? You also earn monthly residual income of up to 76k per month, plus 100% matching commissions from everybody you directly refer. As your 4 sign-ups earn $559,824, you get 100% matching, meaning you earn 4x559k= over 2.2 million Dollars!

Do you know an easier, faster and more affordable way to earn over $500,000? Only having to sign up 4 people?

Create wealth for your family, never have to work again, get the whole family involved? This is an amazing opportunity. And it's so simple. Sign up 4 people and your work is done.

How easy is that?

The products that 4 corners sell is a set of financial education e-books downloadable in your back office. This is an automated system, it will sell the ebooks for you. All you have to do is sit back and relax. Also in your back office you can keep track of your earnings and view your team's growth, great support team from the company, news and updates.

Why is 4 corners so successful?

Because everyone can afford $18 and everybody knows 4 people and it's simple with no work to do after signing up only 4 people. Please Watch the Presentation Video

This article was published on 14.07.2016 by Vonward Kim
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