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An “OLD SCHOOL GUY” has learned the secrets of success it in the MODERN ERA...

Please read carefully - I promise it'll be worth your time:

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Starting at the beginning is important: From a technical standpoint, I have been a website designer and had have run a marketing company for a long time. I’ve been an independent business owner for over 30 years. I was never a super "techy" guy, my strengths were business strategies and creativity. I had to learn all the rest. Once upon a time, I was very successful in the Network Marketing/Home Business industry. I had built downlines into the thousands a few times over and helped many companies create their marketing infrastructure.  Sadly, those companies always ended up making some very big mistakes that lead to their demise and took everyone with them. Whether it be underfinanced, short-sighted for the future or worst of all…greed.  So like so many people back in those days, I became disillusioned and after working so hard to build my business, only to be blindsided, I removed myself altogether. I’ve had plenty of success in traditional businesses as well, I have just always loved the idea of working from home, building a business based on something that I really believe in and helping others do the same. That is the essence of Network Marketing, right? I’ve also be a teacher/coach for more than 35 years so that has always been an advantage for me when it comes to guiding others in building their business.

Coming full circle to the modern era of Network Marketing/Home Business: It’s been years but I’ve always kept an eye on the industry and new that once the technologies progressed to the point that operations could be much more streamlined for companies and independent business owners alike, I would be ready to rejoin the world of Network Marketing. Well, that has certainly happened and for someone like myself who’s a marketing person by trade, today’s tools, systems, services, products and companies have all finally progressed to a pretty amazing level. 

The one thing that took me off-guard: In today’s world of modern day communications, you’re not going to get on the phone with people all the time like we did in the old days, in fact, most people don’t even want to have a phone conversation. As you know, people are so used to communication via text, email and FB, they just don’t find it necessary to talk on the phone. The good news is, it takes away the discomfort people used to have with getting on the phone and having to answer questions, sell their company, product/service and teach people how to duplicate. Then I finally realized; wait a second…that makes everyone’s job easier… WAY EASIER. With video presentations and video tutorials, step by step automated systems, etc. My thought was “WOW”…it can’t get any easier than this.

After a great deal of research, reality sunk in: So once I decided I was going to get back into the business and really go to town, I quickly learned that with all the advantages that exist today in the Network Marketing industry, everyone and their cousin have added themselves into the mix. With that, there are so many ways for people to see and hear about opportunities, it has become a whole new world of absolute INFORMATION OVERLOAD. There are so many opportunities, products and services to choose from along with countless non-MLM affiliate programs, it seems impossible to choose.

The good news about all the opportunities available out there:  In today’s world of systems and automation, you can have several streams of income going at the same time and make it work. In the old days, you’d be known as an “MLM junky” jumping from one company to the next best thing.  If you’re organized, even just fairly organized, it doesn’t take much effort to monitor automated systems, stay on top of your promotions/advertising, stay in communication with your team and stay informed on ways to continue growing your business. Again, WAY EASIER than in the old days when they used to say “build your business in just 5-10 per week “. It was really more like 20 – 40 hrs but today, you really can do that!

So what turned out to be the answer to expedite the situation? To me, without a doubt, first on the list was finding the right company to get started.

The criteria was simple:

•    A debt-free established company

•    A great consumable product that’s either highly desirable or much needed

•    Systems in place with ALL the tools necessary that makes it easy for anyone to get started

•    A payout that’s not only fair, but is really geared to favor everyone, from the top money earners to those could change their lives with $300 - $500 per month or, just get their product free

•    One of the biggest ones in my book, a great company owner who is not only brilliant but is genuinely sincere about helping people, helping people succeed and really making a difference

I have found that company: Sure, there are plenty of great companies, products and services but to me, for my first choice, this one really has it all from A – Z. Not only do I love this company and everything they have in place, the product is one I truly believe everyone should take a serious look at, just for the product. It’s truly different than anything out there.  I would take this product if an opportunity didn’t even exist. In fact, I did, for 3 months before I decided to jump in with both feet. I don’t throw around terms like “life-changing” very casually at all but this one really is.

I will invest in you and building your business: After taking a tour of our system, contact me for details on what I do to help everyone succeed.

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This article was published on 03.02.2017 by Kellen Burgos
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