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Affiliate Marketing with Arch


As a retiree looking to supplement my social security income, I decided to pursue an online business opportunity. I had no previous training and very little money. So, I did my due diligence and starting doing research, as to what opportunities were available to me.

There are many ways to start making online, I started with an MLM health and wellness company because well, as a senior citizen, I am concern about wellness, worked out regularly and watched my diet. I didn't care for the business plan because I hated recruiting people for the business, and it was more a face to face type of business model, and I was more interested in working online. I also found it hard to maintain the necessary  quotas purchasing products to qualify for commissions.  

I looked at Surveys, and wow! I got to tell you how time consuming and the volume it takes to make a little money.

Well to make a long story short, the # 1 money maker online today is Affiliate Marketing.

For a retiree, and or newbies starting out, affiliate marketing allows you to promote other peoples products and services, without buying products, keeping an inventory, or drop shipping goods. You don't even need a website to get started. I found an affiliate platform, opened  an account and started looking for a product to promote. Learned a couple of tricks as to find the right product, because all products are NOT treated equally and it pays to take your time and pick wisely. When you have picked your product, get a link and it will probably be a little long, so  I recommend using a shorten tool like and your new link will look something like this:

The 3 keys to success as I learned from Affiliate Marketing is

1) Find a product that converts

2) Get a Marketing System

3) Slam Traffic

So, I think I found an effective and inexpensive way to get started making money online, and let me say this:

If you have funds you can buy traffic and start building your email list which, is also beneficial to your business efforts. Otherwise, like me, you will have to work harder and use free avenues to generate leads, which works, but takes longer and requires patience.  Check out my Facebook page for more info.


Good Luck and reach out


This article was published on 16.03.2020 by George Archie Jr.
Author's business opportunity:

Lead Lightning - Marketing System, 7 USD to join

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