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Asthma, it will take away your breath!

​One of the worst things to experience, is that sensation that you can't catch your breath. You try to take in a deep breath and your lungs just won't cooperate with you. For some reason they refuse to expand and let in air. You can't help but begin to panic, at least a little bit. You know you shouldn't panic but you do. For people with asthma, this scenario is an all too common occurrence. You never quite know when and where and what will trigger an asthmatic attack. Your doctors tell you to avoid triggers like dust or dander, but you have a life to live, you can't live in a bubble. They have given you inhalers, a long acting one and a rescue inhaler. Sometimes they help, but other times it seems like you are fighting an uphill battle. After a while, you get so used to having difficulty breathing, that you start to ignore your symptoms. You think," it will go away. I will feel better tomorrow". Before you know it, you are having so much trouble breathing that you end up at the ER. Now they have to give you several breathing treatments in a row. While you are getting a breathing treatment, a nurse is drawing blood and inserting an iv line in case you need an iv steroid. Great, you might be able to breath again, but you are going to feel so jittery. Oops, they missed your vein. That's gonna bruise.  You see the nurse watching you out of the corner of her eyes, judging your breathing, calculating whether or not you are going to end up intubated. That's the worse thing, waking up in ICU with a breathing tube down your throat because you couldn't maintain your airway.

Those preions your doctor gave you to help control your asthma, blow you away with the cost. $25.00 for a rescue inhaler. Another $25.00 for a spacer, that you know you will end up losing before long. The long acting inhaler which is supposed to keep your asthma under control? The pharmacy wants $150 for it. Month after month the cost of controlling your asthma keeps going up. To top it off, your doctors want frequent follow up visits. Don't they get it? Money is tight. Co pays to see them are not getting any cheaper. You wonder, when is the government going to stop allowing insurance  and pharmaceuticals companies to gouge you financially? Why do they let them charge so much money for a medication that is life and death for you? It doesn't make sense. You know that the bottom line is money, but still it doesn't seem right.

Can you relate to this situation? Sadly, this is common for many people. Did you know that it doesn't have to be this bad. Is there a time and place for inhalers and doctor visits? Yes, absolutely. Sometimes, your very survival depends on the medications that they can give you. On the other hand, there are things that you can do that will help you to control your asthma. There are lifestyle changes you can make. Interestingly enough, what has been helping me daughter control her asthma is something that your average MD will never think of.

They will not ask you questions about your diet. They will not ask you questions about possible nutritional deficiencies. They will focus on your exposure to smoke. They will touch on your family history of asthma. They will talk about potential triggers like weather, pollen, exercise to name a few. They won't ask you if take an omega 3. They most likely won't recommend that you take Omega 3 as a way to support your over all health, They probably don't even know that some people have made a connection between Omega 3 and asthma control. I didn't either until recently.  

Interested in learning what exactly we are doing to keep my daughter's airway open and clear? Just to be clear, I am not a doctor and I am not giving you medical advise. You have to see your health care provider for that. I can share with you our experience. I can share with you our journey. It's up to you to decide if it might be something that would help you or not.

Blessings and may wellness be yours today.


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This article was published on 07.06.2017 by Debra Blair-Johnson
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