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Canadian Member Giving Away Free Motor Club of America Funnel System That......

Produced 2800 New Members and Over $19,000 In Retail Sales

 Within 3 Months of Implementation!!

That’s right, MLM Gateway Members this system produced 1585 personal referrals, 886 2nd line referrals, and 334 3rd line referrals— all within 3 months of implementing his new system (see proof during his video intro).

And he’s giving away the exact same system that generated those amazing results to new and experienced online marketers (even current MCA members)—at NO COST TO YOU. As stated in one of his training videos, Dave generated those amazing results without talking to a single soul, completely on auto-pilot because the system does the selling for you—your job is to promote the link generated after you set-up your funnel system with Dave providing step-by-step video instructions.

But to get the results that Dave did, you will have to set the system up exactly as he suggests and with the same funnel programs. Dave will provide step-by-step video instructions throughout the entire process and it will take about 60—90 minutes to completely set-up your own Project X Funnel System marketing and auto-responder system, depending on your level of technical and marketing skills. Once completed you will have a funnel system with 3 definite income streams and a couple of additional streams that are optional. Then you just PROMOTE YOUR LINK!!

The Funnel System Is Free-to-Use but you will have to join free and paid programs to produce the email list and type of earnings that Dave generated in his 3-month time span. That doesn’t mean you will get the same results he produced because he’s currently using some paid advertising programs that some of us may not be able to afford. But if you can produce only 3% of the results he generated over a 3-month time span, you will add 84 new MCA members to your team, $6,720 in direct referral commissions (84 X $80) and approximately $2,200 per month—which is not bad for any MLM business operation.

This is a very good system for those with little or no network marketing experience and a must-have for marketers with experience who understand the power of a good funnel system in building your own email list and an autoresponder that sends regular follow-up messages to your email list—on auto pilot.

If Interested In Joining Motor Club of America, Get Your Free Project-X Funnel System That Includes A Complete Marketing and Auto-Responder System.

For Your Information,  I just joined and completed setting up the funnel system on Friday of this week (3/09/2018) so I don’t have any results that I can report on, at this time. But for those of you that already have an established following,  check it out for your own down-line or up-line and conduct your own review--the only thing it will cost you is a little time. 


New MLM Gateway Member 

This article was published on 12.03.2018 by Everett Bowe
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