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I have heard from the best of the best, I have gone to big seminars seeking advise for this very answer.  I got my answer, I heard it with my own ears, " that timing doesn't matter" ... Whew I thought I haven't missed the boat and I will do great in my business .  What we haven't heard is my buisness is 20 years old, it's been very successful for the past 10 years, and even before that while it climbed up the proverbial ladder we would consider it successful.  I bet you have hear this too haven't you?  What matters is you get started and you start the climb up that ladder, it will be tough at times but what isn't in life, right?

Well yes I have heard this very statement however I have a very different outlook, I believe that timing does matter, even if your company is 20 years old the timing must be right to succeed...

I have searched and searched for a company that had what some would call the "it" factor. That is where most every thing is lined up, the timing is right & your right for this moment... In the process I have worked at many different venues looking for the one!  I'm sure there are many of you out there in business, you have thought the business venture you went into was the one, only to discover some of the parts were missing...You could not figure out why the success wasn't coming your way...We could talk on how this made or makes us feel for hours, but that is for another day.

I want to tell you the great news, I have found a venture that meets the criteria of the "it" factor I can hardly contain myself, the excitement is dripping and oozing wanting to share this with as many people as I can...

I am so happy to have found this arena for Network Marketers, to have the ability to open up and share what is exciting, our businesses ...

My thought "does timing matter ".YES, YES ,YES it does matter... I also think that if we look closely at what ever business venture we are going to get involved with we can understand why we might not be having the success we wanted.  Now please understand me I'm not saying that all companies do or don't have this , I just know for me as I look back I can understand that the decision I made didn't have the "it factor" for me....

So what I have found is absolutely amazing and I want to share this with you, this has all the components needed for success on so many levels, not just one compensation plan but 3 has a diminishing auto ship, amazing but here is the best part of all~ the "it factor" 70% payout, 3 levels to the compensation plan the 

binary~coded ~unlevel !  I have heard many times that a bianary can be the death of a company only to learn otherwise especially when it's written like this, with all 3? This is the it factor and I want to show and tell everyone about it!  That's not all this week starting today June 30th 2017, our team has a special running .  So when you bring a team player on board you will get paid 200.00 per person , (normally) this week until  the 5th of July you will receive $400.00!  That right $400.00 ~ this is in the bianary part of the plan, you get paid once a week (not a month or the following month) ...  

Doesn't that sound AMAZING!!  I'm only touching on several parts of this amazing business, I am a Founding member, timing is EVERYTHING !!!  The team your on is EVERYTHING ...We can help you build your teams with our pocket funnel system that comes with the Entrepreneurial package!  You can get reimbursed with just 2 team players that right 2 on your team... 

TIMING is EVERYTHING, the Team is everything ~ if you have been looking for a home based business, we would love to have you come join our team, we are a family ~ I bet your wondering what the name of the company is that lm referring to ? It is VITAE GLOBAL  We all know that self improvement is crucial & guess what our CEO is none other than Jim Britt!  I'm really serious when I say this is the it factor, now I haven't mentioned the car bonus or the other 2 ways you get paid (every week)  I'm going to leave you with a couple of links and my email address so we can make that connection and for perhaps the first time ever had timing and the it factor work for you & for me in so many ways...

I didn't touch on the product or the many other facets of this company because this article was on timing check out the video, it will tell you more about our coffee and weight loss the very thing everyone needs in America! (It factor) Thank you for taking the time to read this article, you can check out my Facebook page too at javabeangettinlean 


Looking forward to having some great conversations with each of you have a wonderful day

This article was published on 01.07.2017 by Sherri LaClaire
Author's business opportunity:

Vitae Global - Healthy coffee , 999.99 USD to join

Member comments:

Sherri LaClaire Hi Derrick thank u for ur comment ~ I know that in the other companies that had been the way business has been done but with Vitae...It's worth checking out  6 years ago
Derrick Alexander Timing is everything, however the coffee market is already saturated. Most companies use the same ingredients and require stockpiling inventory to max out the pay plan.  6 years ago
Terry Bailes Interesting. Good luck!  6 years ago

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