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4Arts ICO is on the can still join in

4arts ICO Token now to get in the closed group

Welcome girls and boys in the world of Crypto! Today i wanna give you the opportunity to buy the brand new and high rated 4artstechnology token which will help the art world to decide if its fake or true! Via an APP this will help all distributors and clients in the entire art world! The first big customer is already waiting and it is the government of Germany with all museums and art galleries!

So what are you waiting for to get this really really high rated ICO Token BEFORE all others???

Hundreds of million dollars are lost to art fraud each year. With our powerful image-capturing software, we render artworks forgery-proof. This new authentication standard logs an artwork’s unique fingerprint, its history and provenance on the blockchain – balancing the industry’s need for greater transparency with state-of-the-art security.UNPRECEDENTED AUTHENTICITY


Our (existing!) software is able to scan and match an artwork’s unique digital fingerprint by capturing its finest textural details. Once this fingerprint is stored on the blockchain, the artwork is essentially unforgeable: this powerful software detects even the most sophisticated fake.



At the heart of our blockchain-based platform are the artworks’ forgery-proof profiles including their digital fingerprints, history, and provenance. For any transaction, smart contracts and the decentralized nature of the blockchain guarantee the highest security standards. This finally offers the unprecedented transparency the art world has lacked.



The best solutions are those that benefit all. Our authentication protocol works for art portfolios large or small, for individual owners or big institutions. For insurers and logistic firms, it makes instant condition reports quick and easy and offers novel track & trace functionality. And not least, it opens the way for artists to earn from resales of their works.

By using this link: purchase your tokens now you can sign up for free, its a closed group where you can get the Tokens for 0,10 cent at the moment! The road map says with 0.30 cent will be the exchange launch!!!!!

Once signed up you have a section called you find your own link! 

For every signed in person you will get 5 Tokens only for signing in, from all your signed in investors you can get 10% or their Tokens its actually easy business...

if you have any questions or if you need any help or information dont hesitate to contact me 

Alex Teufel

This article was published on 10.08.2018 by Alex Teufel
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Easy Bizzi - Crypto, 15 USD to join

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