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CellRESET Original - 28 day diet

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The 28 day diet is basically a health diet for those with metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, triglyceride, edema, etc.). The diet is called CellRESET Original and is developed by Dr. Aage Stenseth, who has worked with nutrition for over 30 years. He has published several books on nutrition, vitamins, minerals and herbal medicines and ran a medical college for 14 years. The diet is based on a program developed by NASA for their astronauts to receive optimal health. He developed this further and created the concept CellRESET Original.

The diet has also had positive effects on people suffering from migraine, fibromyalgia, fatigue, skin problems, sleep deprivation, joint pains, bad immune system and digestion system. In addition, the diet will help people suffering from weight problems.

CellRESET original is a complete lifestyle changing program which starts with a diet that lasts for 28 days. During these 28 days your body will be detoxed. The PH levels, blood pressure, cholesterol, hormones, weight and triglyceride levels will be stabilized.

This Lifestyle program is easy to combine into your normal family life. It is based on normal food rich in proteins with a minimum of 4 meals a day.

This 28-day diet will guarantee a quick weight loss, between 5 and 15 kilograms are common (only people with excess fat – if you are not overweight you will not loose much). First the abdominal fat will disappear and then rest of your excess fat will be reduced.

CellReset original is a diet that suits everyone regardless of age, medical condition or weight, and will balance your health parameters in just 28 days. The program can help you get a better life whether you are struggling with your weight or not. You will achieve lasting results with this program as it consists of two phases. Phase 1 is the 28 day diet and Phase 2 is the rest of your life. You will learn about some “tools” used to be able to maintain what you have achieved in terms of weight reduction and/or health benefits.


CellRESET Original is a diet that will suit everyone regardless of age and health. If you need more energy, better sleep, better immune system, if you suffer from overweight, underweight, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, metabolic problems, unstable blood sugar, diabetes 2, inflammation, migraine, fibromyalgia, much abdominal fat or heartburn.

Then you should try CellRESET Original



CellRESET Original is originally created for those with metabolic syndrome, but has also proven to help against many other health problems. An unhealthy lifestyle will increase the risk of heart / vascular diseases, diabetes 2 and generally poorer state of health and diseases over time. Many have achieved excellent results both in terms of weight regulation and in terms of better health.


CellRESET Oiginal is a 28 day diet that will restart your cells and this will provide you with a lot of health benefits. During the 28 day period you must eat food that is rich in proteins in combination with a Food and dietary supplement which is considered the best on the market today. The supplement is crucial in terms of the result and it is recommended to maintain taking the supplement also after the diet.

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This article was published on 01.02.2017 by Jan Johansen
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