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The answer to that title question will make perfectly clear why so many people fail and why we must adapt a different approach to attracting loyal customers and lifetime business partners

Here is a fact: did you know that 82% of the world's population hates being sold, they hate to sell and they do not like being closed on. Only 18% expect any of that.  


So what must we do in order to get customers for a lifetime and distributors who stay and not chase after every new and shiny thing that comes along? This requires a specific skill that nearlY no one is being taught or using. In “Success in 10 Steps” by Michael Dlouhy we are taught the colors method. No, I'm not gong to tell you about it! You will have to read it for yourself it's a quick free download you can easily check out for yourself But I will tell you what it does for you.  


How many of you have a difficult time approaching people or picking up the phone? This skill will enable you to walk up to a complete stranger and in less than 15 minutes create a loyal customer or a lifetime business partner. Yes, it is possible. When you understand the person standing in front of you, it makes it easy to know you cannot fail. How's that for confidence.

SO why is it not a sales business?  Remember what I said about 82% of the population? Let's take a closer at that and break it down.  


Can we agree that used car salesman have has a bad rap for decades? They are forced to sell to make money. Who wants to have that kind of reputation? Michael Dlouhy has a saying “Don't try to turn Ballerinas into Carpenters” why are we trying to turn people not sales people? Why do we tr to make be what they DO NOT LIKE? How long will that last, when they face one rejection after another? Oh, the pain! In a nutshell; we are taught to make people do the very thing they don't like doing and giving them rejection as a side dish. It is no wonder they don't stick around. Here is another and a more important reason. If you sell they to get in, you have to sell them on going to events, to go on auto-ship and personal development and being on calls month after month after month. Time Waster!


“Oh hell here he comes. He's going to try to get me to sell some stuff again; like in the last three things he got involved in. I hate selling. I've told him over and over again, I HATE TO SELL! Does this sound familiar? What you did not know at the time is, 82% of the population HATES selling. But we want to turn them into the very same people that they don't like. We turn them into the used car salesman down the street. Add to that a product that's too expensive does not work, and that people don't really want in the first place. Wow, no wonder people get rejected. No wonder the phone has grown claws and fangs.


So what do we have we have people who we have turned into someone they don't like doing something they don like. Hows that for being a friend. This is also why your warm market has ice water in their veins. They don't want to become that or do that. So if they do join, they become frustrated at their lack of success and emotional damage to their self-esteem. Wow! With a friend like us. They also become alienated from you


Well, what do you think you need? You've tried to learn sales skills, how to manipulate people into saying yes how to corral people so they have no choice but to make the choice you have made for them. I know that last one is an unpleasant thought. So Have you thought about what you really need? Can I make a suggestion? Would it be okay if you downloaded “Success In 10 Steps” and read it. It will answer so many of the questions you have about, why can't I make this work? Why won't people buy from me? What is the best way to approach people so they want to join me? Why am I taking all this rejection? You will find answers to al those question and they might surprise and enlighten you.


Here how it gong to work to your advantage. It is a four step process to get you the information you need. No you do not have to change companies, we will help you where you are. First, download the free eBook, and read it have a pen and paper ready to record any questions you might have and we will get them answered in step 3. I will send you an audio copy of the book so you can listen and read at the same time of just listen. If the book makes sense and you like what it hs to say we have three skills video that is going to start to answer some of your questions.  

Then if that all gets your attention, I will l help you set up a private coaching call with the author of Success In 10 Steps”, Michael Dlouhy. You can ask him anything and he will answer your question and give you a success formula that if you are coachable we can guarantee your success in any network marketing company. The next step, #4, I will give you our schedule of 9 weekly calls. Don't panic! You only make the ones that you are able to attend. You will learn so much, you will wonder how anyone can give you free lifetime training for free and not having to be in their company. The industry has been very good to us and we want to see more people succeed in the industry. So if you are game and coachable we are ready to help you succeed and help you save yourself years of failure and frustration.

So would it be okay if you downloaded this free eBook

This article was published on 13.03.2017 by TheCrazy WrapGuy
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It Works Global - Overall Health and W, 99 USD to join

Member comments:

Marcel Schmidt Michael is correct Network is not a sales business. It is a relationship business  7 years ago

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