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Revitalize Yourself and Your Business With a PA for Just $3 an Hour!

Isn't it the case that we often put off doing the important tasks in our online businesses? We have all heard it said that people who succeed in Network Marketing are the ones who take "massive action". So, what is this massive action? Is it checking our emails? is it checking our Facebook notifications? Is it watching You Tube videos? No. It's doing 'lead generating' activities. These could be:

1. Making a video

2. Running a solo ad

3. Ringing leads

4. Prospecting on Facebook and Linkedin.

I should say that this post is as much for my benefit as for anyone else's. I am the worst procrastinator ever! I imagine you're expecting me to say that you should get off your backside and start working 10 hrs a day. But no, I am here to tell you that there is a relatively inexpensive solution to complete stagnation in your business. It is not an excuse to stop working altogether. If you're serious you should work harder than ever! But the solution...

What if I told you that you can get a young, degree educated, fluent English speaking Personal Assistant, also known as a Virtual Assistant, to help you in your business for just $3 per hour! How do I know this? Because I have one myself.

The web site that I used is called '' and it features mainly young, educated Filippino men and women who are looking for work. Many, if not most of them, will work for $3 per hour. It costs $38 per month to join and that's it. The web site does not take a commission off you or the employee. All they charge is the $38 per month. 

When you join you are offered a once only offer of $80 for a one year membership. Now, if you are thinking that you may need to employ more than one Virtual Assistant then I would recommend that you take them up on their offer. The reason being that it's not always straight forward when it comes to employing people. Some may work for a couple of weeks and then disappear. Or you may employ someone and it doesn't work out. You know what I mean.  

So, in conclusion, running an online business is not easy. It can be very lonely in fact. It can be hard to motivate ourselves. But what if we felt that suddenly, after hiring someone, we now saw that we have a fighting chance!

It maybe that you don't like making videos, it maybe that you don't like calling leads, it maybe that you don't enjoy prospecting on social media; whatever the case, you now have someone who can get onto these tasks in a disciplined manner and give your businesses a massive boost! This then motivates and excites you and helps you to have a new and positive outlook on your business and on networking in general. Thank you.

This article was published on 08.10.2018 by Steven Lloyd
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