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What Can iWebaTool Do For You?

iWebaTool offers a marketing system to help you build any and all Programs.

The goal of iWebaTool is to create a marketing system that will do the heavy lifting for you.

iWebaTool Works for Any and All Companies.

Once people see that iWebaTool does the exposing and explaining for them, they will want to use iWebaTool too! When you also add in the potential income stream that iWebaTool offers that will even create more motivation to use our iWebaTool System.

Click HERE to see a short presentation on how iWebaTool System works: 

With iWebaTool You Can Increase Conversion by as Much as 700%.

Research consistenly reveals companies both small and large that implelemnt capture pages in their online marketing efforts show an increase in conversions as high as 700%.

Don't Lose The People That You Reach

In today's world people are more savvy with the Internet and doing business online. Most people know how to "shop" around for a sponsor when it comes to joining a network marketing company. Therefore, when you send them to your company website they can easily go to Google or YouTube and find another sponsor that appears to have things going on.

With a generic page you are peaking their curiosity so they fill out a form which you get in your lead manager and now you can email them or call them. This gives you the opportunity to meet and greet them and build that important relationship which is fundamental to success.

A bonus to having a generic page is that they do not get to pre-judge your product or opportunity before you get the opportunity to meet with them and build the relationship.

In Minutes You Could Be Capturing Valuable Prospect Information

We have been complemented over and over on how easy it is to set up our system and start marketing successfully with it in under 20 minutes, most of the time. There are tutorial videos to help with the various tools if something is not clear we have a customer service department that is always ready to serve you.

Save Money With iWebaTool

For all the features that we provide in our system you could cancel 2-3 different services, which you would be paying even more. You also have the opportunity to make suggestions for new pages, which could cost you

over $100/hour to have designed and developed.

Our 2-step Capture Page Plan

There are capture pages that direct the prospect directly to your opportunity as soon as they fill out the form but there is a better way and is what we use on most of our system pages. When a prospect fills out the form on your capture page they are redirected to a second page with an instructional video telling them to check their email with the confirmation link in it.

On this second page they also see your contact information and there is a button to go to the product, service or opportunity that you are offering them. This method has proven to produce better conversion rates and is implemented on all our future capture pages. We do allow you to bypass our 2-step system if you want to and direct the prospect to any webpage that you want.

Some of The Benefits Include the Following:

Market to a number of niches with a host of capture pages with new ones added monthly.

Send thousands of emails each month with the included autoresponder and the prospect broadcaster.

Store an unlimited number of leads

Build your list as large as you want to on out platform and use our contact manager for organization.

Campaigns, Statistic & Analytics

Create and track unlimited campaigns for maximum market potential.

Professionally written Autoresponders

These prewritten autoresponder emails are preloaded in your account and ready to start sending. You can make changes anytime you want to these prewritten emails because they are 100% customizable.

You can integrate iWebaTool with 3rd party contact management company such as Aweber, GetResponse, GVO, Pure Leverage, Traffic Wave, and icontact.

There are two packages offered, a Silver package that has everything that is needed to attract prospect to your service, product or opportunity and capture their information. The second package which is the Gold package, does all of that but also has added features to get traffic to your capture page, to find out more.

Click HERE: 

This article was published on 11.08.2022 by David Blake
Author's business opportunity:

iWebaTool - Online Marketing Sys, Free to join

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