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We Will Break Records In 2023.. LiveGood Dream Team!

That's right! Have you not heard? We're going viral around the world. Literally flipping the MLM industry on it's head.

The trends of direct sales are changing and we're riding the biggest wave of them all. Take a look at your monthly bills and tell me how many of those bills are for wholesale services.. I have both a Costco and a Sams Club card. LOL! Those companies have millions of members paying a yearly membership.

Everyone is looking for a deal and if you belong to a wholesale club then you should feel like you're getting a discount on all the items compared to retail stores. If you look around the internet carefully, you'll see wholesale clubs are becoming more and more mainstream.

Well, LiveGood (A organic health nutrutional supplement company) just launched before Christmas of 2022 and in just one month has surpassed over 20,000 members. That's an incredible number, isn't it? Ben Glinsky, CEO of LiveGood, has tapped into the biggest trend of the global market and is passing up to 90% savings on the best health supplements on the market today.

I know there are many of you that are currently working with other health supplement MLM's and are struggling to keep people active because the cost of the product and auto-ship is just too much to bear on your clients. This is where we thrive as a wholesale club MLM! The traditional MLM model has been scratched for a model that allows a person to start a small business for as little as $49.95 and do nothing and watch their matrix fill with the spillover from those that want to work the business. You don't even have to buy any product!

So, what you're telling me is that I pay just $9.95 a month and if I do nothing I can get paid a monthly check? Yes, that's absolutely correct, as a matter of fact if your matrix fills up you will make $2047 a month, however if you just recruit 2 people who would like to save 90% on their health supplements that number will triple!

Wow, 90% savings.. Is that real? Let's put it this way. LiveGood has CBD oil on the list of products that they provide. If anyone here has purchased CBD oil then you know a typical 500mg bottle will cost you $70 and above. We have a 1500mg bottle for just $26 wholesale price. That's triple the dosage for a huge discount. If your elderly family members need a boost of CBD oil you now know where to come. We have 15 products to chose from, even organic coffee.

So how do I get people under me if I don't do anything? Good question.. Everyone who comes into the company first comes in as a free member on the POWERLINE. Once you've locked your position on the powerline then everyone who falls in below you can potentially fall into a slot in your downline. It will depend on your upline to fill your matrix if you don't do anything. Let me stress that nothing happens overnight and this is not a get rich quick scheme, however the opportunity to have your monthly membership paid for with just 40 people in your downline within 6 months is very reasonable. Oh and by the way if you just refer two people not only do you get your money back, you also can receive a weekly check on top of your monthly check.

That's LiveGood in a nutshell. We ARE breaking records on a weekly basis and people are loving the organic nutritional supplements.

If you're looking for a super hot company with great products with a superb compensation plan, then look no further! You've found us.


PS. Join with me today and get my LEAD GENERATOR SYSTEM for FREE!

This article was published on 03.02.2023 by Chuck Marquardt
Member comments:

Shawn St Andre Livegood has some Great Products!  11 months ago

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