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Use This New Smartphone Technology To Generate Leads And Sales For Your Business

You are at a football game (Go Bears). There are over 61,500 screaming fans cheering in the stadium. 

I want you to envision each of those fans getting a notification of your business, product or service on their smartphone generating leads, calls, emails and potential sales for your business while watching the game.

Are you a network marketer that needs leads or even a shy network marketer that would like to introduce your business to more people?

Are you a life/health insurance agent like Keith in Texas who used this technology to book $2.4 million dollars in business this month? Perhaps you are a network marketer like Javier who used this technology to generate 5 sales for his network marketing roadside assistance program by simply placing his gem in a high traffic area. Maybe you are real estate agent that would like to close 5 deals in a month? Do you own a clothing store and want people walking into or past your store to know about sales at your store? it is possible you own a furniture store like Kathy who used this technology over the labor day weekend and increased her customer volume by 46% and sales by $30,292?

Proximity marketing (beacon technology) allows you advertise your business, product or service to every Android cell phone user within a 100-yard radius with Bluetooth and notifications enabled. This technology is also available for iPhone users too!

Did you know 60 percent of the cell phone market uses android? 

Did you know this technology has been available to stores like Walmart, Target, and RiteAid for years? 

Have you ever gone to the store like Walmart and got a message on your phone about a sale on a particular product within the store?

Can you imagine getting leads for your business while running errands?

Get leads while at the football game, concert, the mall, grocery shopping. Carry it in your pocket, purse or in your car and generate leads, calls or even potential sales to your offer immediately.

Are the wheels turning yet?

This technology is 100 percent FTC and Google compliant.

It is easy to set up: Just purchase your "gems". Set your 40 character message and your secure website. Finally, place your gem in a high traffic area and watch the traffic, leads and potential sales roll in for your business. 

Do the gems really work? Go here to see the gems in action: Proximity Marketing.

See who's using Proximity Marketing in your business: Testimonials.

This article was published on 27.09.2017 by Theresa Johnson
Author's business opportunity:

Royalite - Lead Generation, 80 USD to join

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