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Hello Guys !!

Glad to sharing my business opportunity. This is my second business announcement.

Here you can sign up and start your business today.sign up is free.

This is 100% legit, most trusted revenue sharing site ,having 20626 members just in 6.5 months of launching. Alexa Ranking of site is 31878 ( which is continuously deceasing day by day)which is sign of trust.

1.What is revenue sharing and why we earn ?

Different Companies pays to advertise their products . We buy adpacks in this site and generate traffic on those companies site.if there is any profit generated by sales .It is distributed among all. That's how we earn.

2. What to do?

After signing up . You have to buy adpacks 

There are 6 types of plan you can purchase:

A.) Plan 1( 1 dollar plan) : Here you will get 115 % revenue on your deposit. Means if you buy 5 adpacks of 1 dollar each , you will get 115% revenue on your adpacks . Means you will get 6 dollars . This process hardly takes around 5-6 days and your adpacks will expire after generation of 115% revenue . 

Again you can buy adpacks by using your revenue earnings and so on you can create your income .i advise you to start first with 1 dollar plan and further understand the system and further you can buy other plans .

There is minimum deposit is 5 dollars so you can fund your account with 5 dollars ( you can see this button on site in finance logo).

Now after successful adding funds of 5 dollars you can buy adpacks of 1 dollar each ( mean you can buy 5 adpacks each 1 dollar ).

After successful buying adpacks now you have to surf 20 ads daily to generate your revenue until your adpacks expire.

Here you can not use your earnings to buy new have to withdraw it.

B.) Plan 2( 2 dollar)- 115 % revenue will be generated . Same as plan 1. 

Here you can't use your earnings to buy new adpacks. 

Easy trick is that withdraw the earning and add funds again.

C.) Plan 3( 3 dollar)- 115 % revenue will be generated. Same as plan 1 and plan 2.

Here you can use 20 percent of your earnings to buy new adpacks.

D.) Plan 4( 10 dollar)- 120 % revenue will be generated .Here you an use 25 percent of your earnings to buy new adpacks.

E.) Plan 5 ( 20 dollar)- 120% revenue will be you can use 30 percent of your earnings to buy new adpacks.

F.)Plan 6( 40 dollar)- 120% revenue will be you can use 30 percent of your earnings to buy new adpacks.

 Here are some few steps to proceed:

1. Here you can sign up

2. After signing up, you can add funds in your account through finance logo on upper left corner of site.

2. After adding funds .You can go to OVERVIEW section. Here you can buy adpacks .

After successful buying adpacks you have to surf 20 ads daily .( You can see in OVERVIEW ) If you have searched 20 ads, now the server timing will show exactly when you have to see 20 ads again.( After 24 Hours you have to see).

Key points to remember :

1. Always use same account to add funds and withdraw funds.

2. Always use same computer to see ads.if you don't have PC , you can use mobile as is mobile friendly site too.

3. Refer other. There is commission of 10 Percent on their deposit funds.

If you can't refer and unable to refer . You will still make money. Don't worry

If you have any doubts you can contact me over here or through my mail.

Happy Earnings!!

Best of luck#

This article was published on 16.04.2017 by Praveen Joshi
Member comments:

Chandrashekhar Kulkarni very good to understand pl contact 8380098079  7 years ago

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