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How to choose a MLM company?

Not having sufficient money to open your own business, many people see as the only opportunity to start your business in network marketing. In this kind of activity, people are attracted, first of all, the opportunity, working only for themselves, to get a good income. However, sometimes stops the fear of not getting the desired result, wasting time and effort, or worse, to face fraud.

If you still decide to engage in this activity or seriously consider network business as an option to achieve their life goals and build their own business, then you need to start with a comprehensive analysis of this area of activity. This will, to some extent, protect against errors and sound everywhere proposals to join a network marketing company, having eliminated the company-a one-day, various kinds of "pyramid", companies that bring very little income and MLM-companies that do not have opportunities for development.

What should be the evaluation criteria?

How to choose a MLM company?

1. You must answer the question, which products are attractive primarily for you as a consumer.

2. Decide on the form of doing business, answering the question, will you work through the Internet or something else?

3. Wonder about the age of the network company.

4. Ask about the marketing plan of the company.


1.To answer a question, what production is attractive, first of all, for you as for the consumer.

You should use the products you are going to promote yourself. Only this approach can ensure the success of your business. Otherwise, you will not succeed.

From the above it follows that it is necessary to start with the study of the products of MLM-a company that itself should be engaged in its production. And this is a prerequisite, since only its own production allows you to get products at low cost without compromising quality.

Note that for successful promotion, the quality of products must be higher than similar products offered in the retail chain. In addition, it should be mass-consumption products and demanded by buyers.

The wide range of the offered production - one more component of your success.


2.To decide which form of business best suits you.

In my opinion, MLM companies can be divided into two types:

1. Classic issue.

Such companies assume the implementation of work through personal meetings with customers who are mostly your friends and acquaintances. This is the so-called"warm market". The products sold in this way are quite tangible. These are, as a rule, household chemicals, various vitamins, food additives, perfumes, etc.

2. Advanced or Internet MLM.

Suitable for active users of the Internet and social networks, as well as professional web designers and programmers whose activities are directly related to the Internet.

In this case, the "cold market"is more often used for doing business. In other words, you interact with people you didn't know before. However, this does not exclude the possibility of using the "warm market"as well. The products sold in this case, as a rule, are information and educational resources.


3.Wonder about the age of the network company.

When choosing a network company, the first thing I pay attention to is its age. In my opinion, this is one of the most important indicators. It is also often used by leaders of large companies. However, they use it mostly to their advantage, to emphasize thereby the reliability of the companies.

You have obviously often heard this kind of advertising: Our company is the most reliable and time-tested. We have been successfully operating in the market for more than 20; 30; 40 or 50 years, being the undisputed leader in direct sales, and surpassing all network companies promoting a similar product. Our company is a member of the direct selling Association and its shares are listed on such an exchange.

Certainly, such track record of the company deserves respect. But can it ensure that you achieve the desired success and financial well-being in this company? How can he help you with that?

After all, praise your company, its leaders are silent about the fact that the company has long built a dealer network, and participation in the project gives you the opportunity only to build a consumer network and get a percentage of the sales of goods.


4.Ask about the marketing plan of the company.

Marketing is one of the main criteria when choosing a company. This word means promotion, trade, the ability to predict the market and its needs, to maximize profits.

I have often met distributors of companies that are not able not only to conduct a comparative analysis of their marketing with similar marketing competitors, but even to explain how to marketing their company.

In short, despite the importance of this aspect in choosing a company, attention is paid to it unfairly little.

Without going into unnecessary details, which can be found by clicking on the link, I will say, based on personal experience of participation in all types of promotion that perfect marketing does not exist. Everywhere there are their positive and negative sides.

The choice of marketing plan should be individual and based on the personal experience, abilities, strength and capabilities of each individual. More stable feature a classic marketing, but their downside is the low yield. To earn a decent income here would take a month or even a year. Therefore, this type of promotion is not suitable for those who need quick money.

Quick money allows you to get the matrix and binaries, but their negative side is the short-lived relatively classical marketing

What are the main features of a MLM company?

* availability of a valid registration

* availability of high-quality and unique goods

* availability of constant, as a rule, monthly consumption of goods

* no need to engage in sales

* availability of ready-to-assist mentors

* availability of a clear marketing plan

 What is the law of network marketing?

All MLM companies are developing according to the law of network marketing.

At the first stage of the company's development, its participants are people who make up approximately 1%. They are quite at risk, as during the first year of its existence ceases about 95% of such companies. If the company has survived this year and continues its further development, the risked participants of 1% become top leaders. Taking an active part in the development of the company, they earn an extremely solid income.

At the second stage of the company's development, the duration of which is 1-3 years, the project includes about 9% of the participants. They have the opportunity to earn a very good income and create leadership teams.

At the third stage of development of the company which comes in 3 years of work, there are problems with involvement of new participants in the project. At this time, all the leaders are already in the business, the company brand is well known in the market, so for a while there is no problem with customers. However, over time, the market is saturated, which makes it difficult to find customers.

This article was published on 14.03.2018 by Tatyana Ryzhova
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Jeunesse Global - products for rejuven, 35 USD to join

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