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Are you are lying to yourself

Are you lying to yourself right now? Have you ever had a job and figured you could make a living working for someone else. As we go through school, the biggest lie people in the education system and our peer structure tell us is all we need to do is get an education then a job and we will be able to have all we want in life. They, for some reason, think if they tell it to us that often enough we will not stray from getting an education which starts us on the road to being financially broke rather than financially free. As students, we are brainwashed so we will convince our parents that we need a higher education so we can pay horribly high interest rates and be in debt so we work the rest of our lives paying off student loans which keeps us broke till we are too old to buy a house. If we do not go for the higher education then we are stuck in lower paying jobs that do not allow the financial opportunity to be free from debt as we borrow money to buy vehicles, houses and holidays. There is still the option of learning on the job and hopefully moving up the ladder but that can take a long time and often requires someone to get out of our way to be truly successful.

STOP THE RAT RACE! Stop paying for student loans, vehicle loans, house mortgages, instead find out how to become FINANCIALLY FREE. Find out how to earn more money in one month than you earn all year long in the JOB you are currently a slave to. You are not building your dream, rather you are building your boss’s dream as he gets paid more than your do.

STOP TRADING TIME FOR MONEY! Instead of trading time for money as your time is more valuable than you think. Scenario your job pays you $15 per hour which you pay out 25 to 35% in deductions and you work for 40 hrs a week. Who is making the money, sure not you rather it is your boss as he earns more than you and the company you are working for. I always understood slaves were freed years ago but instead slavery was reconstructed in a new and more modern form called THE WORK PLACE. I understood slavery was the misuse of people for personal gain with cruel and inhumane treatment of people. Thanks to laws, that inhumane treatment cannot be done in the workplace but still we are all slave to the work for money. People do not pay us what we are worth and expect us to labor for them so they can get what they want. WHAT ABOUT WHAT WE WANT? That is never considered by the employer or company we work for.

Become an entrepreneur can also be costly and unproductive. To pick the proper company, they need to have something everyone wants and it must be easy to promote. GoodLife has that in the way of a $200 travel discount gift card. Put on the back of the card, your company info, attach the card to a brochure about your company and give them to people for free.

Hand out 500 to 1000 cards a month which could take about 10 hrs. On each card you could be paid $100 or a potential income of $50,000 to $100,000 but because people do not all travel at the same time this income will come in over time so you want to make sure you hand out cards every month. From the cards you will get members who want to keep getting the discounts for which you will always get paid and you will also get IBOs because people see the advantage and want to give the cards out themselves to people they know. Each gold and platinum IBO pays you a quick bonus of $75 so out of 500 – 1000 cards let’s say you get 50 IBOs or $3750 how close is that to equalling your take home pay now. Do this for a few months until you feel comfortable and leave your job. Oh did I also mention that once you are in the Legacy Tree you will get paid for all others who come into the tree after you. Yes the company will pay you and you never even brought them to the company. So let’s say there are 10,000 people in the tree you are to be paid on and the company pays 10 cents for each, you could get $1000 and then there is the retail from people using your cards for discounts and then there is also income from your Tier 1 people, Tier 2 people and Tier 3 people. WOW at what point did we pass what you are presently earning? 

Now ask yourself at what point does it make more sense to work for yourself and put more time into your own business and your dreams than it does to work for someone and build their dreams?

So start today handing out cards for free start making the connections and signing IBOs and setting the groundwork for your final paycheque from where you work so you can start living YOUR DREAM and having FINANCIAL FREEDOM for you and your family.

A Conversation with GOODLIFE Founder Mark Seyforth

As a Small Business Mentor, I look forward to working with you so you can reach your DREAMS. Connect with me at

This article was published on 06.07.2017 by Irene Chemney
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