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Memory Place Makes Recruiting Simple and List Building A Breeze!

Never sell or recruit again with Memory Place!

I had the pleasure of getting a first hand look at a new system/software that will make building your list like taking candy from a baby.

It does not matter what niche you are working with or want to focus on as this software can be used for anyone.

• Business owners

• Teachers

• Coaches

• Parents

• Couples getting married

• Friends having lunch

• Families having reunions or parties

Memory Place has just been released to existing members and as the master trainer who has created over 100 videos on using all the other software in the suite of tools, I was blown away when I saw how easy this was to use and how I can implement it into various facets of my life.

As a teacher, coach, parent and business owner I can see using this multiple times.

In all these scenarios above, pictures and videos play a role in reliving the experience or helping to improve on some as well (think future training) where in a few seconds an account holder can get access to everyone’s images or videos who was present at an event.

I mean who doesn’t like to see themselves at a event, or perhaps in a picture or clip that they did not know they were in.

So, you are probably wondering what this has to do with recruiting?

Well, this is where the magic of Memory Place comes in!

As soon as someone submits their photos and videos, they are asked to provide their email to be notified when the photo album has been made public. Then they are also invited to create a free Memory Place account.

That right there is powerful. It is a less invasive method of getting people to take a look at a program or software you are working with and when they become a lead and start using the software themselves there is a high chance they will like it as well and will want to upgrade and tell others about it.

In the process, they are your lead and you can follow up with them emails such as

1. Thanks for sharing the photos from the XYZ event you attended

2. Thanks again for sharing photos, the album is almost ready (don’t forget you can test out Memory Place as well hint, hint!)

3. The photo album is live

4. …and many more

If they also decide to join with a trial membership of Memory Place then you would obviously structure your emails a little different and focus more on the software itself and how easy it is to use.

With a well placed QR code at your event or simply sharing a website link on your social media pages or in messages to people they can easily access your page and upload pictures and images for you to enjoy.

Like this right here. If you are reading this article on a computer or similar then please capture the QR code below and test it out and see how it can help to make your list building simple.

Try Memory Place Out now!

For the account owner simply creating an event, giving it a title and a few details and then adding an image is all that is needed to be on the go and ready. The QR codes and links are created instantly for you and easy to copy and share.

One click of a button and you can make your album public after you have deleted any that you might not want to be seen or shown. You can also do a mass download of all the images if you want to save them to your hard drive as well (though videos require individual download based on size limits).

If you have not already tried the QR code above or perhaps are reading this on a smartphone and need to instead click on a link, please use this one here to access and try sending me a picture of you.

Or you just go here instead to create your own Memory Link account for FREE.

Memory Place

In no time at all you will see how easy it is to use and if you are confused there are many training videos inside the members area that I have personally created myself to help you in the process.

Let’s do this!

Dave Gardner

This article was published on 27.08.2022 by Dave Gardner
Author's business opportunity:

Memory Place - Event Pic/Video Host, Free to join
Memory Place makes list building easy with picture and video hosting for any event.

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