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Get Never Ending MLM Marketers In Your Downline - Explode Your Business!

Get 300 Experienced MLM Marketers

Imagine being able to contact 300 MLM marketers who understand MLM being dropped into your CRM every month.  This process will help you Explode Your Business. 

The truth about MLM Recruiting online is that it is a tricky situation to promote your business to strangers and people who do not understand the MLM Business Model. 

Many Social Networks do not allow links to MLM company websites.  MLM Gateway attracts Network Marketers.  However, the members of programs like this  are often so focused on building their empire with their present business that are not open to new business opportunities. 

It becomes difficult for most people to attract enough interested prospect to their business presentation to enroll new members so they can reach the promised “Retirement Income” The most important element in growing your business is a consistent lead generation system.

Many Network Marketers conduct their business as a hobby or with the presentation acumen of a used car salesman. They do not conduct their business affairs in a professional way or understantd the necessity for a business plan which has to include a way of recruiting new members.

Network marketers often miss the point that the only real asset that they can control or that adds value to their Network Marketing business is the number of leads they have in their CRM.

To be your own boss, control your own destiny and find Financial Freedom in your business, you must have control of the leads or new recruits that join your business. The ability to generate and convert leads and build a responsive email list is the only asset that you can control.

Whether your business is or Crypto Currency, you must own your own email list. You must build this email list and maintain it as a separate entity to any business email list that the company may have for you.

Now we deal with the elephant in the room. How does a Network Marketer build the biggest email list possible for their industry. You have got to get on the phone.

My goal for my business Nexus Rewards is to place 1,000 individuals on my first level, the reason for this is that with the compensation plan, I receive $10.00 for each referral on my level one. This number would insure a monthly recurring income of $10K/mo.

This additional income is a step toward freedom. However, I have a responsibility to have a system in place that can help each of those individuals build their business.

The system must be simple, duplicatable, and self-funding. I found a simple lead generation system that fits these requirements. It is the MLROD IMLM Recruit On Demand). The program provides from 100 leads for $15.00 to an additional 200 leads for $125.00.

MLM Rod also has a 3rd level that costs $97.00 per month. At level3 the company will call 100 prospects for you. Those prospects reach out to you as a result of this contact.

People Have Phone Phobia

To make the MLMROD promise of  Leads for Life, work effectively, as a member you must contact each of the leads by phone. As you progress through your list, the leads you contact will be replaced.

However, this is a huge requirement for people who have phone phobia.

The answer to this dilemma is the Power Dialing System provided though whose program also provides leads for the MLM industry.

Problem Solved

This system can help you contact as many leads as you like per day to present your MLM Business Opportunity.

However, I use the system to promote MLMROD which does not ask the prospect to change their primary business opportunity, but I give them a solutionthat every Networker needs  to build whatever business they are presently promoting.

The benefit of the system is that it is easily duplicatable. As more and more of your downline members adopt this program, their downline increases as well as their income and yours. Creating a quick Return on Investment (ROI) is  vital to creating and maintaining a stable and growing downline.

Everyone Wins With MLMROD

When you offer this downline builder product to your downline, you will earn $15.00 for each P1 member who received 100 leads or receive $100.00 for each P2 member who receives 200 leads. The program helps everyone in your downline succeed. 

 The important thing to remember is that you never have to purchase leads again. The program offers specific training and scripts to use.

I use the scripts with the Power Dialer which is free to use for 30 days.  You can see an example of How to Use The Power Dialer on my page. You can also join MLMROD

Take a Look Here to Read More &  Join @ the $125 Level

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Wishing you Health & Wealth

Virginia Sanders

This article was published on 05.11.2022 by Virginia Sanders
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