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Recently, I heard a profound statement that I believe is true, “You can’t read the label of the bottle that you’re in!”

I took that to mean that there are times when a perspective outside of your situation is needed for you to see where you are, and what you need to do to get to your destination.

And that’s been true numerous times in my life, including in the past 90 days!

I’ve been an Entrepreneur now for the past 24 years, 16 of which full time. I’ve been blessed to have the time and resources to play on 5 of the 7 continents (not counting living in both Europe and Asia as an Army Officer), visiting 30+ countries, and share incredible experiences with some of the most amazing people. I’m single, living life happily on my terms in the magical and amazing city of Miami, Florida.

I have a business that allows me to use my gifts to serve and empower, people bringing value to their lives. Life is good!

However, 3 months ago, I realized that I was stuck, business flat, stable, but not growing. I wasn’t feeling fulfilled. Business was good, so it was hard to put a finger on it!

One night at about 3am while on social media, yeah, I’m a night owl; I watched an advertisement. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, I’d been slipping. Like so many others, I was romancing the title “Entrepreneur”.

However, that wasn’t the title that had been responsible for my success; responsible for all of the sales, responsible for moving the needle in my business; Responsible for me positively impacting thousands of lives! No, the title that’s responsible for that is "MARKETER". I had to reset my mindset to being a Marketer. As a Network MARKETER, we romanticize “NETWORKER” or “MLMer”, so we lose sight of “MARKETER”.

My business, both online and offline depends on me marketing. You see, I have to market before I can sell. Marketing gets my message in front of people, which in turn sells them! And marketing is an aspect of my business that I can control.

Watching the ad, I realized something else that was important; what I learned years ago about marketing had changed. That meant that I needed to re-learn marketing.

So I took this 30-day challenge that focused on online marketing that I figured would be a good place to start. Boy was I wrong; it wasn’t just a good place to start, it turned out to be like getting a Masters Degree in Online Marketing in 30-days.

Wow! I was blown away, and what an impact it has had on my confidence, my effectiveness, and my growth! An added bonus has been my new family of knowledgeable, sharing, and helpful marketers and entrepreneurs that continue to support each other, even post challenge. Truly a blessing!

Are you experiencing the growth that you expect; having the impact that you know that you’re more than capable of; or making the income you desire?

If not, could it be that you’re romancing your title, Networker, MLMer, Affiliate, Yogi, Personal Trainer, Coach, Realtor, Influencer, Public Figure, etc, or even the product that your business provides, and not embracing the title and activity that’s going to bring you the clients, the opportunity to serve, the sales, and the wealth; MARKETER?

Do you need to Shift Your Mindset to MARKETER?

I invite you to make the shift!

I also, invite you to watch  video explaining the same 30-day challenge that refueled my business, updated my marketing knowledge and skills, and helped me focus on the activities that has allowed me to move the needle in my business, Marketing.

Besides walking away with life changing actionable information, and new friendships, there are also some amazing free bonuses.

To access detailed information and a video on the marketing challenge video go here:

Remember, “You can’t read the label of the bottle that you’re in!”

To Success Beyond Your Wildest Dreams!


T.C. Chambers

P.S. If you haven't read Russell Brunson's bestselling book, "Network Marketing Secrets", go here to get a free copy sent to you:

This article was published on 15.06.2019 by TC Chambers
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Clickfunnels - Online Mktg Software, 97 USD to join

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