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This is my life

Hello there thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this announcement. I am 62 living in the greater bay area of silicone valley and just wanted to share with you my journey where I've been what I have done and where I am today. I came here on a mission to share an important matter regarding some pertinent information with those I meet.

I am a carpenter by trade 45 years, my Dad was a contractor mom was a hair dresser Mom had come down with MS at a early age of 22 she was headed down a road of suffering. Dad was very volatile and yelled a lot at me and my sister. I was a jock in high school. Was a swimmer and on the water polo team I swam the 50 up and back won a ccs  I just out touched the senor I was a fresh man. 

 I worked with my dad on weekends and in the summer when I was out of school and Easter breaks. Did not get to play much as a kid. learned to work hard. 

At age 19 found my first wife where we met in Hawaii and two years we married worked hard but there was this dream I had that I didn't want to live working for the man and building his dream. I wanted to carve out a business and was introduced to network marketing for the first time in 1992 the bug bit me and I had a drive that I was going to become rich. 

So my journey led me from company to company until after 35 years & 49 company's later with two divorces and two bankruptcy's figured network marketing wasn't for me. Continued to work as a carpenter.

 In June 24th 2023 a link was sent to me from a friend it said do you want to make money online are you serous so I trusted him and decided to give a try, what had I got to lose, it's free to join absolutely no money out of my pocket for trying.

 And let me tell you that my world changed because for the first time I was making money,  and all I did was send out email offers and when someone clicked on what I sent I got paid a commission, this has really opened my eyes to email marketing, I never seen before. So I am just out sharing with everyone this tremendous 100% Free time sensitive trial offer, so what I am doing is sharing to refer a couple of new members should you want to give it a go. All you would do is send out done for you emails it only takes 15 mins a day that have the potential of earning you an extra 300-500 a week. heck you are given 5000 subscribers to start 200.000 emailing credits and 500.000 list building credits.

Since I became a member I have gotten 5 deposits into my bank account of well over 1800 and have a subscriber list of a Total of 214,992 Contacts  I have 110 referrals.

  How would you Like to start earning your first commissions for the next 7 days. 

Look you have an offer you want others to see don't you?  So why not use a platform to allow you to do just that? 

And start earning your self some commissions along the way>>>>>>   

This article was published on 21.09.2023 by Stephen Charles Kotwicki
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