by Nicole Griffiths, published 18.05.2016
In the midst of surviving the rat race, paying the bills and keeping up with an exhausted body, when do you find time to spend with your family and friends and do the things you love?
Most people are just trying to make it through their work day, rushing from one place to the next, too busy and stressed to realise they've traded their most valuable commodity for a pay check.
But despite what you may think, it IS possible to earn a living and have time freedom.
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by Ray Ciafardini, published 18.05.2016
Hi, I'm Ray - Head Rhino at Rhino Marketing Concepts.This is my FIRST time being in the group and posting something.Let me tell YOU whyI'm here.I'm posting this here for YOU...because I thought about YOU and how this is going to help your future and to generate income for whatever YOU like.
Like the headline says, I CAN'T tell you, with the reason being I signed a NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
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by Fatima Maarouf, published 18.05.2016
Hello,Our story begins among the tables of Harry's Bar in Rome and the Parisian brasseries. One day, passing by the window of a large perfumery on the Champs Elysées, Fatima Maarouf confided in Roberto De Angelis that she had a dream of clean, healthy and affordable cosmetics available to all. After a few years, and various studies carried out in the sector, our company took shape: it was the beginning of "Nova".
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by John Ward, published 18.05.2016
It seems everyday a new 'opportunity' or 'program' arrives in my inbox or pops up on the Social Media shout outs. We are all aware that some work and some work for a while, then fizzle out and a few are outright no-hopers or someone trying to grab your money and run. So how do we tell what to go for and what to avoid? The simple answer is you usually have to 'suck it and see'.
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by Claudia Hill, published 18.05.2016
The Dynamico Compensation Planis a unique and innovative compensation plan that provides a clear & simple road to success for all Active Promoters with unlimited income, recognition and rewards. The unique thing about the Dynamico Compensation Plan is that everyone and every level has the ability to make money.If an ACTIVE promoter creates a minimum of two ACTIVE teams
LEFT team & RIGHT, they will be eligible to receive all commissions and bonuses within the Dynamico Performance Plan if they meet all the criteria for each ofthe commissions and bonuses.
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by Lynette Cherriman, published 18.05.2016
Firstly I have only been in the network marketing business for 18 months. In that time I moved from full time work, to part time work, to retirement.My mentor who helped me will also be helping me with any new recruits I sign up. If you are looking for a quick get rich scheme, network marketing is not the job for you. Like all network marketing you only get what you put into it. I will only take on someone who is willing to do at least 60% of the work load that I recommend, otherwise it is a waste of time and money for both of us.
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by Angelica A. Rivera, published 18.05.2016
Keep your wallet in your pocket because here at "Chew The Fat Off" you don't ever have to pay to stay!You are under no obligation to use your websites. Just join and hold on to them if you like.No pressure- take your time to learn about us and CTFO products.Free member earn 20% commissions 3 levels deep. If you buy products, you earn to infinity levels deep.NO website fees or maintence fees!No membership fees!
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by Matt Purvis, published 18.05.2016
“I just want to take a moment to say before we get into my product or opportunity that this is something I now feel obligated to show everyone. I have seen it change peoples lives. This science will revolutionize the Cardio Health Care system one day. I would love for you to be part of our team, however regardless do yourself and your loved ones a favor and take a few moments and research the benefits of L-Arginine therapy and the cardiovascular benefits of Nitric Oxide.
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by Rafael Cruz, published 18.05.2016
If this is your first reading of my continuing series of the subject I titledYou can go to my profile by clicking my name at the bottomof the page.....I really want you to continue readingmy announcements so that I can wake you up tothe power within you....YES, you have all thepower within you to change your life throughcorrect mindset, positive thinking, and the powersGod has given you even before you were conceivedand born.
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by Gabriella Vergara, published 18.05.2016
A bit about me...I am a qualified beauty therapist, graphic designer and forward thinker. I spend most of my free time online doing research and really just learning as much as i can from those who have the knowledge and are willing to share. My dreams are huge, i find that some people, after hearing a bit about those dreams i have so clearly invisioned for my life, they tend to think i am setting myself up for disappointment, those people obviously have not been introduced to the world of network marketing and believe me If they choose to stick around just a few minutes longer, i give them a whole new perspective on THEIR lives.
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by Rafael Cruz, published 18.05.2016
This is a topic in the continuing series of lessons fromRetired US Navy Chief Cruz....a VISUALIZATION instructora MOTIVATIONAL TEACHER....A Professional NETWORK MARKETER.MY Goal for the rest of my life is to help as many people as I canto wake up to the power they have within them.... that will turn themto what GOD has planned for them.......plans that God alreadycreated....even before we were conceived and even before we are born.
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by Cheryl Morgan, published 18.05.2016
I am very excited by the response from everyone since yesterday! I just spoke to my business partner, the leading associate with Sisel International, Steve Farr. There is so much to share to everyone about this opportunity, I don't know where to begin.Natural supplements for health and wellness are one of the top products people are looking for - for themselves and for family. Especially products with no toxins, that are safe to use.
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by Ross Matthews , published 18.05.2016
Hi there I am part of a neutraceutical network marketing company that has had 80,000 distributors in the U.S. In the last 18months!! I am looking to expand my team here in the UK or abroad as there is a lot of opportunity with them. Have all business and product info for you to check out. The car programme involved as well as the commission structure is so unique it is patented. Get in touch if you are interested in making a residual income.
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by John Correa, published 18.05.2016
Hi my name is John TorresI'm inviting you to for part of the most amazing social platform ever.Join the highest paying social site on the internet. Forced matrix ad packs and much more earn 29,000 a month,on the basic level join free and get an upgrade from. Generate free traffic and advertise your own offers. Youalreadyspend time on FB and Twitter promoting your offers why not get paid for doing so?
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by Rafael Cruz, published 18.05.2016
The PHOENIX POWER RISINGPAY-IT-FORWARD offer will expire onMay 31st 2016Hurry and get your $120 valuePAY-IT-FORWARD offer by the CEO.after May will cost you $120 to getinto the FAST MOVING 2x3 matrix...Hurry and grab yourself some beforethey are all gone...spread the word to yourfriends and have the ability to earn$7,500 over and over.Take my personal testimonial about the program:I joined the pay it forward offer on May 1st and today is May 17.
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by Hanrico van der Westhuizen, published 18.05.2016
I am a young entrepreneur that will stop at nothing to be successful in my quest to helping other people improve their health and their lifestyle. I am an associate in Mannatech and take great pride in referring other people to these amazing products and to help find leaders who are ambitious and committed enough to be able to do the same. My main focus is to improve the lives of others and to make leaders out of them.
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by Andrew Smith, published 18.05.2016
Do you struggle to recruit?
Or tired of team building altogether?Do you struggle to make money online especially in MLM?I've been in MLM and internet marketing for 24 years and have built many many teams with some being 10's of thousand's strong and know exactly how teams can grow as well as shrink. No doubt if you have built a team before, you will know how difficult it can be as well as time consuming.
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by Erik Kletecka, published 18.05.2016
Have you been struggling in your Network Marketing business?Can't seem to find leads or people interested in joining your business?This is a common problem with network marketer's and it's not your fault. It's the lack of training provided for you to be able to build your business the way you want to.Let me guess how your experiences has gone so far. You got someone who created a presentation for you, you got all hyped up and ready to go, you joined, and nothing you seem to try works.
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by Daniel Zykaj, published 17.05.2016
About 2 years ago I was struggling to make ends meet, after selling my restaurant and paying off my parents home. I found myself strapped and searching for an opportunity to earn some income, but because of my lack of a college degree I couldn't find anything readily available. I actually got involved with a different network marketing company for a few months but it all fell apart after building it and I was back to square one.
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by Jaye Carden, published 17.05.2016
Isn't the best feeling when a person signs up into your business without you having to give the presentation, and spend the time answering questions?Of course it is, and it happens.But many people will not see this happen or experience that feeling.Mostly because, they do not know how to drive traffic from the internet to their offers. That simple.If they did, they would really focus on doing more and more to get as many visitors a day to their sites as possible.
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by Jack Swank, published 17.05.2016
Since I had so much feedback on my last business announcement, I wanted to clarify how I help people make money. I am not interested in joining your business, so please do not ask me to join your program. I receive multiple offers every day to join 100 or so different opportunities.What I looked for in a company is quite simple.....I want something that is free, works, and can be started by anyone.
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by Rafael Cruz, published 17.05.2016
If this is your first reading of my continuing series of the subject I titledYou can go to my profile by clicking my name at the bottomof the page.....I really want you to continue readingmy announcements so that I can wake you up tothe power within you....YES, you have all thepower within you to change your life throughcorrect mindset, positive thinking, and the powersGod has given you even before you were conceivedand born.
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by Seth Lavinder, published 17.05.2016
Hello My name is Seth Lavinder, My fiance and I are looking to Change the world. If you were to look up Ketosis on Google you would realize that it is an amazing thing helping people day in and day out. It is helping people with fast sustained Energy, Fat Burning, Better Awareness, Better Focus, Helping Gut health, Reduced Brain Fog, Better Mood, Appetite Supression, Clearer Skin, Helping people sleep better and so on.
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by Claudia Hill, published 17.05.2016
As a husband, father and all around good guy, I am probably the last person that has time (or energy) to commit to a new venture. But after trying the product, I was compelled to join Dynamico.
I’m a guy that works swing shift 10 hours a day for a Biotechnology Firm. I stand on my feet all day and have to monitor machines that help research scientists in finding the cure for some of the most deadly diseases like Cancer and AIDS.
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by Bruno Da Gama, published 17.05.2016
Most People struggle to get sign ups and sales to their business and most of You probably need a few hundred or even thoushand's of people in your downline to make a full-time income.Now imagine the power of having $1,000 instant (not in the end of the month) comissions for every sale made and ... imagine being able to make 10K a month with only 10 people in your Team.That is the power of Exitus Elite.
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