Feel that we need to do more for those out there not knowing which way to turn! Are you one of them & if not you, then maybe someone you know that is possibly going through unforeseen circumstances? My partners & I would like to share with you a product as well as a business opportunity that we have been involved in. We firstly build relationships with those we speak to. Yes, a friendly voice does help perk up those at that moment. We approach those that have never been network marketers or owning their own business as well as those that have been in the industry at some time either presently or previously to our connecting with them. We share our story during the conversation either about how our products have helped ourselves as well many other people. Testimonies from other IR's or from customers using the said Health & Wellness products since they have been introduced to it.
No Medical Claims! Sharing a little of my story!
As for myself, I've had results using our weight management plan starting off with 3 products & now using 7 of them daily having found life-changing effects daily. Yes, along with my losing weight, as well as several inches, melting off & the energy I feel, such mental clarity, even mood changes have taken place Now for my husband, he has also gone through a transformation of healing from the inside out since being introduced to our products. More energy, mental clarity was one of his results that got him through his 12 hr shift. Yet being on pain meds for the past 6 mths as he was in daily pain that was affecting his work performance where he is employed as a housekeeper in Long & Acute Care Facility. Dr wanting 6 wks of physio & within 2 weeks his physiotherapist was like "Your gait & lower lumbar seems to be improving" after having another x-ray done & when they looked at it were quite shocked. Good news is that he no longer requires hip or back surgeries, as well no numbing in his legs or feet while driving the vehicle long distances.
We're hugging one person at a time, One cup at a time.
For further info contact me & I will be happy to speak to you.
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