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Daily Complete Vegetarian Wellness Formula w/ 243 Vita. n Min. & Organ. Nutrient

Daily Complete Vegetarian Wellness Formula w/ 243 Vitamins-n-Minerals & Organic Nutrients:

This balanced blend of organic ingredients delivers 243 vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables, antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, Mediterranean herbs, pure phytoplankton, and other important accessory nutrients to your body in one liquid ounce a day.

Liquide Daily Complete

Ingredients :

Organic Mediterranean Super Seed Blend

Organic Fruit & Vegetable Whole Juice Complex

100% RDA Of Essential Vitamins & Minerals With Vitamins D3 & K1

Antioxidants With Resveratrol & Acai Berry

Whole Superfood Green Complex

Proprietary Ocean Blend With Pure Phytoplankton

Ionic Plant Minerals

34 Mediterranean Herbal Ingredients

Essential Fatty Acid Complex

Less Than 1g Sugar • Less Than 1g Carbs

No Gluten | No Dairy | No Soy | No Artificial Flavors | No Caffeine | No Artificial Colors | No Aspartame

Great Orange Taste

All this in just one ounce a day!

100% Gluten-Free

Listed in the Physicians' Desk Reference for Nonpreion Drugs and Dietary Supplements.

Benefits :

Boost energy without caffeine

Helps joint function

Less than 1 gram of sugar

Just 4 calories per ounce

Gluten-free, dairy-free and soy-free

Key organic ingredients

1 bottle equals a month's supply

 Soy-free, Gluten-free, Vegan friendly ...

Listed in the 2019 Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) for non-preion Drugs and Dietary supplements


Take 1 ounce (2 tbsp) per day, during or immediately after a meal.

Click Here To Get Started


Provide your feedback and testimonial after you experience Daily Complete.


The Benefits of Liquid Vitamins and Minerals Supplementations:

Better Bioavailability & Absorption

When we break down the benefits of a liquid vitamin, a biological bonus is that there isn’t any break down involved. With a pill vitamin, your body first has to break apart the capsule or tablet to get to the micronutrients housed inside. In most cases, this extra step not only decreases the efficiency of vitamin absorption but it also limits the nutritional bioavailability, which is not ideal for supplementation intended to boost our health.

When you swallow a pill vitamin, your body enters a race against time to break down the external casing of capsules, or the hard glue “bricks” of tablets, so it can access those micronutrients inside. If the pill isn’t broken down quickly enough, then there's a chance those nutrients will pass right through the digestive tract without a trace (or trace mineral) being absorbed. With a sluggish breakdown, the majority of nutrients will be excreted, meaning that essentially, you’ve flushed those nutrients down the drain or toilet, literally.

Recently, several reports found that many multivitamins and mineral supplements fail to fully dissolve within the allocated time frame set forth by the U.S. Pharmacopeia, meaning that consumers were not receiving the health benefits their multivitamin promised.[2] As awareness continues to grow regarding the problem with pill form vitamins (and minerals supplements), several other studies have examined the capsule conundrum. An investigation conducted out of Canada also found that the majority of tablets and a large percentage of capsules did not meet the Canadian time standards for adequate disintegration, once again highlighting the limited bioavailability of multivitamin pills.[3]

As our foods become more nutrient-void, it’s becoming increasingly necessary to soak in as many vitamins and minerals as possible through alternative sources. With improved bioavailability and absorption, liquids appear to be a smart solution for effective multivitamin supplementation. This is where Liquid Daily Complete comes in. 

This article was published on 11.10.2020 by Yashua A. Shekhem El Bey
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