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Top Producer in Industry Looking for YOUR Business Opportunity

My name is Maryellen Duchesne and I have been a top producer in the industry. I have been blessed to have been personally featured in Success From Home Magazine, asked to speak for audiences of 25,000+ several times and also was invited to be a guest judge on Trump's Celebrity Apprentice in 2011. ( Now don't get political on me...he is actually funny).lol  

I have had over 27 years in the industry and full time for over 8 years and I have been in marketing ever since I graduated college. I tell you this because there is a lot of Wisdom behind those years. ( So big deal you can probably figure out my age).

I've recently discovered something that can help You with YOUR Business!  Considering my marketing and network marketing background I thought this DEVICE was a no brainer for anyone in business and network marketing!! 

You can just become a customer and use it for YOUR BUSINESS or if you want me to help you make money and get the units for FREE, I can partner up with you and you will become an affilate. You will also enjoy my spillover which will benefit you financially. 

Simply go to and check it out for yourself. I think you will agree it's a no brainer. Also if you don't do this your competition will. Most people struggle to get LEADS...  well no more!

This uses Google Nearby Technology and it IS happening whether you realize it or not. Local businesses, network marketers and anyone in business always NEEDS LEADS!. This device can be a set it and forget it Device or it can be an flexible way to get any message out for any paricular situation. Even fundraisers, events, notices. etc. Many applications here. 

Imagine if you knew about and could benefit from the first cell phone that was produced. Would you have taken advantage of that opportunity, Of course you would. Did you know that most people at the end of their lives don't regret what they did, they regret what they did not do.....

Also Richard Branson would say that if someone offers you a great opportunity you take it and figure out how to do it after. Well, I will help you with that part.

AND right now for a  limited time they are 50% OFF! So go now and at least check it out. I always say "The Most Expensive Thing a Person Can Own is a Closed Mind."

If you want to check ME out.. feel free...

Looking forward to helping you, feel free to reach out to me. I'm a real person and I love helping people that want to be helped and are willing to take ACTION NOW!

My motto "Live Life to the Fullest & Be a Good Person"

Maryellen Duchesne

603-490-4371 (9am- midnight est 7 days/week)

This article was published on 29.06.2017 by Maryellen Duchesne
Author's business opportunity:

ASirviaGo - BlueToothMarketing, 25 USD to join

Member comments:

Terry Bailes Well written and entertaining article! Have seen the product! Much success to you!  6 years ago

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