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NEXXUS PARTNERS - A legitimate Bitcoin Opportunity


What Does the Future Hold?

The existing global financial system is under increasing stress and has already begun a progressive implosion that will be hard to stop, if not impossible. A return to the gold standard of old could possibly slow down the process, but how likely is that? Especially with powerful people who are still in control of the current financial system, that they designed and built for the sole purpose of covertly extracting wealth from the middle class and placing it into the hands of their own corrupt puppet individuals in both governments and banking . This same system has robbed its victims, we the people, not only in this country but around the world, by not only writing laws (legislation) that steal our personal wealth but also by diluting purchasing power of our currency (USD), and other currencies as well.

How do we, the people, combat such entrenched power in the world that has enslaved us ALL for decades if not centuries, you may ask. And I’m glad you did.

The good news is…that the battle for our financial freedom, yours and mine, is not lost. In fact, it is just beginning. And, the even better news is that We WILL win…and there is nothing that they (the governments and big banks) can do to stop it.

In 2009 a still unknown someone who called themselves “Satoshi Nakamoto” published a paper on a technology called “blockchain” and it’s first application called “Bitcoin”. Bitcoin is simply “ the people’s money. Because Bitcoin is created and resides only on the Internet, Bitcoin cannot be controlled by ANY government, bank, insurance company or any other financial entity. THAT is the reason why they go to great lengths to distort the truth, cloud the understanding of what Bitcoin is and try to make it difficult for people to use. But the TRUTH is…they cannot stop it, and they know it.

In fact, the more governments and central banks tighten their capital controls and step up their war on cash by claiming that they are fighting money laundering, black markets and tax cheats, which is a big smoke screen, the faster the mainstream public will adopt cryptocurrency.

Also, when people come to understand that the government can literally access their bank account without permission and take money out or freeze their account any time they want for whatever lame or made up reason or violation they can accuse them of, they will run to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

The evidence that this can happen occurred in Greece and Cypress in 2014 when the citizens there had money taken from their bank accounts by their governments who simply passed a law to allow the to do so, so the government would have enough money to pay government debt. Once they were able to get money from their bank accounts most immediately bought Bitcoin because they could still use it to buy things that they needed, but it was safe from government theft. If you don’t believe that this can happen in the good ole USA you need only read the Dodd-Frank act.

At Nexxus we are not antigovernment, we are only against corruption. We are simply about educating and helping “everyman” to find a better way and to help ethically, securely and safely to level the playing field for everyone.

As decentralized cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology begin to wind their way into mainstream awareness and acceptance, the way many make a living today will dramatically change. New opportunities will emerge because of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies. No longer will we have to be slaves to jobs we despise or be overburdened by unsustainable levels of consumer and credit card debt.

However, in order to capitalize, or even survive in the new economy, one will of necessity have to understand the currencies of the new economy and how they work. Sure, government issued currencies aren’t going away by the end of the week, but they will continue to erode in value over time. Bitcoin on the other hand, as well as cryptocurrencies that have a REAL utility like Etherium, and of course our Nexxus Token that resides on the Etherium platform, will increase in value. As more people come to understand the benefits, safety, and ease of use associated with Bitcoin and other TRUE cryptocurrencies the faster the phenomenon will grow.

Therefore, if one can tip-toe up and peek over the horizon just a bit and will begin the process of preparing for the future, that person will have much more the advantage in the new economy and not be struggling to catch up in order to just survive.

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will have a greater impact on our economy and the way we live more than the personal computer, the Internet, social media, and their convergence with cell phones and wireless technology COMBINED…and in FAR less time. Trust me…I know…I have been involved professionally in technology for years. I have lived through the beginning and witnessed the impact of them ALL. I can remember as a child, and we were not poor, when we were able to get our first TV, only black and white, color TV had not yet become available.

The Opportunity

NEXXUS PARTNERS has created a genuine, and legally compliant business opportunity in the Bitcoin / cryptocurrency arena. This opportunity is designed to help facilitate the mainstream adoption of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency into every home and local community, potentially in the world. While, at the same time providing a potentially limitless source of income for our entrepreneur partners.

There are many facets but 3 basic elements to the NEXXUS PARTNERS opportunity, all of which are designed to contribute to an income stream.

1) The Nexxus University

Educating the public on the Why, What, and How of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will be essential in their ability to understand and adapt to the new economy and to not be overwhelmed or left behind. Eventually everyone WILL be asking questions about Bitcoin, if they haven’t already, and just don’t know where to start.

Nexxus University consists a series of non-technical courses, mostly video, with cryptocurrency certification that are designed to educate participants on the fundamental reasons for Bitcoin: Why it came ito existence; What is and is not a true cryptocurrency, and; How to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Retail sales of these very affordable courses are a direct source of income to our affiliates with up to 500% profit, as are the sales from other team members.

2) The Nexxus Rewards

Nexxus Rewards is the vehicle for brining Bitcoin and cryptocurrency into mainstream local communities world wide.

The Nexxus Rewards is program designed to bring merchants and shoppers together through a shared loyalty program. This loyalty program allows shoppers to accumulate rewards (Nexxus Tokens) by patronizing merchants that are members of the Rewards Network. Shoppers accumulate these tokens and can redeem them at any merchant on the network, worldwide, as if they were cash.

It is FREE to become a shopper on the network and shoppers earn more tokens from purchases made by other shoppers that they have introduced to the network…and so on…and so on…and so on…whenever and wherever they shop on the network…globally.

The ability to offer rewards draws shoppers to the merchants on the network and keeps them coming back. For merchants, there are no initial payments, contracts, usage or termination fees. The merchant simply agrees to offer our reward tokens to member shoppers as a percent of the sale, and agrees to pay Nexxus a fee equal to that same small percentage, which he/she determines. The merchant pays for use of the service ONLY when a sale is made. This is equivalent for the merchant of paying for advertising ONLY a sale is made.

Reward tokens are issued whether that sale was made with a traditional cash or credit card transaction, or with cryptocurrency. There are incentives which a merchant may opt for if the transaction is in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies thereby facilitating and promoting the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Qualified Nexxus affiliate entrepreneurs are trained on how to build their own network of merchants and shoppers. The Nexxus affiliate then earns from EVERY transaction that occurs in his/her network…AND…from the networks of other affiliates that he/she recruits and trains.

Since we are all internet based and our products are in multiple languages, local rewards network can literally be built anywhere in the world. We currently have affiliates in, and are experiencing growth in several countries around the world.

The Nexxus Rewards program offers successful affiliates the potential to earn and be licensed to operate Bitcoin ATM machines and to ultimately earn, licenses and operate a Nexxus Cryptocurrency Café. The café is a physical storefront location that is a community focal point for everything cryptocurrency. We call it “A ‘Starbucks’ with a purpose”.

3) The Nexxus Barter

The third feature of Nexxus Partners is Nexxus Barter.

There is more to Nexxus Barter than what one would notice at first glance, and it would take a bit to explain. However, the simplest deion would be to imagine that you had your own ‘Craig’s List’ that would produce income for you from your own efforts as well as the efforts of your team members who also have their own ‘Craig’s List’.

The Bottom Line

There is a great opportunity to make a substantial income with Nexxus Partners. Whether you are new to network marketing and are only part time, a budding entrepreneur with limited start up capital, or a seasoned MLM professional with a large organization and need to make some serious money in a relatively short time. We have strategies for all. Whatever your level of interest or expertise you need to learn more.

The Mission

The future is closer than we realize, and those with the foresight to look over the horizon, or who can feel the big wave building should, at least, want to investigate becoming a student of Nexxus University.

Additionally, more serious individuals who want to take advantage of the growing Bitcoin phenomenon will want to consider becoming a Nexxus Partner affiliate and leverage an opportunity to not only build a successful business, but also to become part of a mission and movement to help to bring cryptocurrency to the mainstream public.

The Nexxus mission is, through education and opportunity, to help people empower themselves to begin to reclaim their financial sovereignty and independence.

Oh, by the way…ALL…of our commissions and bonuses are paid in Bitcoin, Etherium, or Nexxus Coin. This is a great way to accumulate Bitcoin as the value seems destined to increase.

The Invitation

Please take the opportunity to learn more about us.

If you do, you will find that the founders of Nexxus Partners have many years of experience in business, technology, and marketing. We own all our own technology that we have developed and has been matured over many years of being a service provider for several well-known network marketing companies.

Nexxus Partners is owned and operated by individuals that not only have years of business experience but because of that experience, place a value on high ethical and moral standards. We look for those values in others and demand them of ourselves in both our professional and personal lives.

Please contact me through MLM Gateway if you would like to know more.

Bill Richardson

The links

You might want to check out these links:

The NEXXUS Marketing Distinction  

The NEXXUS Income Opportunity 

Best wishes in your success where ever you may find it.

This article was published on 05.07.2017 by Bill Richardson
Author's business opportunity:

Nexxus University - Bitcoin Education, 10 USD to join

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