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Why MLM is the best of all of the Home Business Models - prove me wrong!

I've been deep diving and studying the Internet Marketing World for some time now, and I've had some fairly successful runs in MLM. And after about 20 years of meeting the players, watching their methods, and seeing from the inside what it takes, I'm more convinced that ever that MLM is by far and away the easiest, smartest, most newbie friendly and most rewarding (financially and personally) business model today. And those who think it's all a scam (although some are pushing the edge) are either idiots, just ill informed, or just duds who think by buying a biz kit, it will somehow make them rich.

Oh, and the numbers, we hear all the time that some 95% fail and only a few ever make it. Sorry, those are the same numbers from "Think and Grow Rich", out of 100 "hope to be successful" people, a few will be wealthy at retirement, a few more will be comfortable, and the rest (about 90%) will be poor or broke. And, we only need to look at the numbers (millions) of people searching every day for alternative income to see just maybe the "job" just isn't cutting it. The job if your lucky earns you just enough to stay in the game, to be a good consumer, pay your taxes, vote for your own demise, and when it comes time to exit stage left, your legacy is a bunch of unpaid debt and everyone that knew you is thinking "poor bastard tried though"!  WOW, did that hit home?

Youtube is loaded with all sorts of folks pitching Shopify/Ali Express, T-Shirts/Print on Demand, FBA Amazon, Clickbank, JVZoo, Launch Jacking, Affiliate Marketing, and 1000's of the newest, hottest, push button, done for you software. Then we have the world of lead generation, SEO agencies, and it goes on and on. Yes, a whole lot of people have made some serious money with each of these models, and some are pretenders (fake it till you make it) making their money selling courses and memberships.

But let's just take a deep breath and look at the big picture from the 20,000' foot viewpoint. There are truths which can not be denied and when properly understood and acted upon, success has to follow.

First is value, you must have products or services with real and perceived value that the marketplace wants.

You must become a believer in your product or service, a product of the product. If you're just in it for the money, it will show and you are done.

You must conquer self doubt, your worst enemy usually is yourself. I like to talk about the law of expectation, if you expect you'll fail, you're done before you start. I tell folks go check out Vanessa Van Edwards Youtube channel. You'll learn more about people skills and about yourself than you ever imagined.

Duplication, this is only partially discussed. It's really quite simple, study and copy the people who are rocking it.  You'll see none of them are jumping from deal to deal, they care and help those who are really trying, and they are always striving to use systems and methods that are duplicatable. 

Photos of Mr. Wonderful in front of a Lambo looks cool, but duplicatable? 

Although there's many more points, and I'm wearing this piece out, there is one more major point that if you get this, you'll understand the awesome power of MLM.

That point is scale! The real money is in the ability to scale (greatly increase) your customer base. Like cutting a hot new record, it goes platinum and the sales keep coming year after year. You can do like the Big Dog internet marketers and master SEO, or hit a nerve and get a Viral going on Facebook, or you can learn Bots, native advertising, it's endless, time consuming and mind numbing. Or, you can learn some people skills, do some advertising and get yourself a team of like minded people who have had enough of settling for luke warm, nurture it, give it some love and have "scale", oh, and a real legacy to pass on when you decide to set it on cruise control. Over and Out!

This article was published on 10.10.2018 by Scot Henry
Member comments:

Bruce Higgins Nice job!  5 years ago
Scott Bodiford Terrific article Scot. Thanks for the information.  5 years ago

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