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Green Clean Java Queen

First of all, I wanted to thank you for your interest in my new adventure. I joined this company in June 2018. The pre-launch took place December 2018 selling 500 units per month. In March of 2018, the company hard launched and went from 500 sells a month to 50,000 sells a month.  Incredible growth with growing pains ensued. New distributorship, new shipping process, and new members requesting to be a part of this amazing company. Billion dollar business strategists became members of our team!  We acquired the President of Avon West, the cofounders of Herbalife as well as the co-founder of NuSkin. Big names with expansive knowledge in the industry. They are projecting this company to be a huge success! The opportunity that this company provides to their independent consultants is enormous.  The market is not flooded with representatives at this time so the room for growth is outstanding. The products in this company are all naturally occurring substances, botanicals and they are gluten-free, vegan-friendly, soy-free and dairy-free. They are known for naturally releasing your happiness hormones into your body. Those of which include dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. They also increase your metabolism, increased metabolism helps with weight control. I myself have had more energy, clarity in my thoughts, felt less anxiety, as well as weight loss as a result from taking two of our products each day. This company can be run completely from your list of friends, family, and your social media accounts, from anywhere you happen to be during the day that has internet. I have also been a green clean representative since November 2017.  This company is known for chemical-free cleaning of your home.  Their products stand alone in quality. Many of the products contain micro-silver which inhibits the growth of bacteria. The products really sell well if you are able to provide demos of how they work either in person or online. I have become much more aware of the chemicals that we are using in our everyday life and the dangers of the ingredients in them, both to our bodies and our environment. I was able to earn my start-up kit for free plus a lot of other products worth hundreds of dollars. The rewards and money that you can earn with this company are completely up to you. Both of these companies have changed my life for the better. They have given me more freedom, higher self-esteem and the ability to be at home with my kids. You can work for either company part-time, full-time, or big time! The choice is yours! Please contact me if you would like more information on either of these companies. I am committed to teaching you all that I have been taught. Each of these businesses is duplicatable.  Which means that if I can do it, anyone that follows my same process can do it too!
This article was published on 10.10.2018 by Dana H Morris
Author's business opportunity:

Elevacity - Happy coffee, 49 USD to join

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