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Hi my name is Sylvia and I live in Fort Worth, Tx. I'm hoping people like yourself can help point me in the right direction. I am looking to expand my business! I do understand you have been in the same industry at some point in the past. I'd like to know if you might be open to taking a look at new opportunities. If you're curious to know please let me know! You can email me back here or you can call me 817-350-8041. I do thank you for your time and I hope to chat with you all soon! Check out the links, let me know what you think and if you're not sure of anything I will gladly answer your questions! Email me back, call me or a text. Help me to help you! I'm a real person just like you all.

Thank you for your interest on learning about Enagic, it's wonderful products and amazing opportunity! Enagic Distributors work part time or full time from their home, create their own schedules and many thousands begin earning between $340-$2,040 per customer referral!!! This is perfect for everyone 18-80 of age; college students, house wives, retirees, single parents, stay at home moms etc.

Enagic is a 45 year old Japanese company manufacturing what is considered there to be a medical device and is used in over 300 Japanese hospitals to treat patients suffering from heart disease, diabetes, gangrene, MRSE, staph infections, cancer and is anti aging, anti oxidant and much more. Today in Japan one out of five households owns one of these devices as a kitchen appliance and they are the longest living humans on earth. These devices are now available to the world. We are looking to expand our business around the world because every single person on the planet needs this device. We are looking for honest, friendly and compassionate individuals who sincerely care about helping others, great health, longevity and interested in creating wealth by investing in their health and finances. We are happy to answer any questions and provide assistance every step of the way. For self motivated individuals please visit our website for additional information and/or to get started today!!!If you want you can check out my and get a free Ebook.

Please contact us with any questions you may have.


Sylvia Tamez


This article was published on 19.12.2018 by Sylvia Tamez
Author's business opportunity:

Enagic - Real Alkaline Water, Free to join

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