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Jamberry Nail Wraps

Hello, I'm Niki Hart​, I just started a direct sales business and I'm looking for some customers and/or hostess for Facebook or In Home parties. I sell JAMBERRY NAIL PRODUCTS. They are great because the nail wraps have no drying time, don't chip, don't have all of the harsh chemicals, don't have the harsh smells and look like a professional manicure. They last up to 2 weeks!! That's awesome right?? There are over 600 designs on my website! Jamberry also has lacquers for people who like nail polishes better. Jamberry lacquers don't have to chemicals like normal polishes you get from the store. Jamberry also has hand care products that work wonders! In March 2017 they will be launching their new line of foot care products. Another perk is the Trushine Gel, to get a flawless salon look without going to the salon. It can all be done right at home with a curing lamp that cures the gel in 45 seconds! I hope you give me and these products a chance. Jamberry is a wonderful company to work for and I would love to have more ladies on my team. The beauty of this company is that you get paid EVERY WEEK!! and any extra money you make, you get a bonus check on the 10th of every month. This job is totally flexible so you can work from home, in an office, or anywhere your phone or computer goes. Facebook is a wonderful tool for parties and to get news across to many people all around the country and the world. You can also get out and do vendor shows and in home parties! It's great for mom's who want to stay home with their kids but still make a little or a lot of money! The timing is totally flexible with how ever you need it to be. There is a super support system behind you where you can get all the information, support, news, friendship and anything you need. If you are just starting, going strong, or having a hard time in a runt, the whole team will encourage you, lift you up and give you advice on how to keep on going and get tons of money and confidence. So would you like a job like this? Connect me here, on facebook, with my jamberry site, or email!!

You can click on the link for my website to look around and order!

And for more information about Jamberry, hosting a party, or joining this amazing company please like my facebook page!

You can also get a FREE SAMPLE right here

This article was published on 16.02.2017 by Niki H
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