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How To Use Social Media To Grow Your Business

Hello, My name is Ruth Oham of

I am a business and network marketing coach. I am the founder of Serene Biz Academy, a facebook group for employees who wish to create and run a successful side business. Click here to join >>>

I help employees, entrepreneurs and network marketers recruit clients easily into their business and increase income using social media.

Does this sound like you?

‘I don’t have any idea about online networking but I want to go for it in order to improve in my business…’

‘Abeg make you come teach me how to do all this social media thing to help me grow in my network…’

‘I’m really lacking behind because I don’t have any idea or knowledge about the online world but now I am dedicating myself into it…’

If Yes, then this is for you.

As an employee who wish to become a successful entrepreneur you need to learn how to grow your business online. Or if you already have a business (entrepreneur/network marketer) you need to learn how to use social media to grow it.

I had problem when I invested in my first business because I lack time and skill.

As an employee, you may have time constraint and may not be able to effectively grow your business offline.

This may be as a result of your tight work schedule i.e maybe you work long hours. This was my case working 7am to 10pm.

The next option for you is social media. Having a strong online presence is priceless today.

I lacked the knowledge about using social media to grow my business and this formed part of the reason I lost over N500,000 in my first investment.

I was working then and my job took all my time, and so my business suffered and I lost so much. I didn’t have the time to grow my business and I didn’t understand social media.

But my story is different today as I now have a strong online presence that allows me to sell with ease. For me it has being an amazing tool to grow my businesses. Yes, you heard me right, businesses. I run 4 businesses online successfully.

I use social media to get good prospects who easily become partners without must talk or argument. This is because I have been able to build my KLT with my post and content on all the platform I use.

How will you feel, if your prospect reach out to you requesting to join your network or buy from you?

You can learn and master how to use social media and your website to grow your business in my blueprint of the Entrepreneurship Mastery Course

Click here for details >>>


This article was published on 22.10.2017 by Oham Ruth Ijeomah
Author's business opportunity:

The Mamigold - Network Consultant, 25 USD to join

Member comments:

Oham Ruth Ijeomah Hello Deborah Robinson.Yes there is cost to advertising on FB. Your facebook page is where you are allowed to promote and grow your business. You can create an advert from $1   6 years ago
Deborah Robinson Hello is there a cost to advertise on FB?  6 years ago

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