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Amazon KDP passive income generator

The Proven Way To Make $5 - $200+ Per Day On Amazon Without Any Writing Skill


Have you struggled to get ANY results or earn money online before?


Would you like to know how by following the exact steps in the “Amazon KDP Passive Dollar Generator” system I was able to grow from $0 to $5,000+ per month without spending a DIME on ads, no email or Facebook marketing, no writing skills and how I automated the process, so every day it brings positive cash-flow? 


But more importantly, would you like to see how other regular people like YOU are able to use this very same system to earn $500-$5,000+ per month without any prior experience or technical knowledge?


My name is Victor Ashley Azubuike (Mrwealth). I am a full-time digital publisher and business owner.


I understand if you have not heard about me. But just know that I am not a “gooroo”. I am just a normal being like you who is passionate about helping people come out of financial struggles and embarrassments.


Because I have been there too.

In the past 8 years, I’ve gone from a broke as* kid, evicted by my former landlord because I could not pay my rent – ZERO digital marketing experience – and ZERO digital publishing experience – and became one of the top Amazon KDP experts in World, generating thousands of dollars per month in royalties on Amazon with NO WRITING SKILL. 


And if you care at all to know, 70% of Amazon KDP courses you have seen or have been seeing online in Africa are my students.


So you have a better chance of succeeding with my humble self. (Not trying to brag about it, but hey, not gonna lie I feel very proud of my achievements and the exploits our students are making ).

Before I had huge success I struggled for years…

Bought tons of courses and trainings on how to make money in the digital space. 

Attended dozens of webinars, seminars and masterminds…

Watched 100s of hours of YouTube videos, burnt enough data and money in the process.

I saw little to no results…

And then I decided to take a different approach. 

It was time to throw everything those “gooroos” said out the window..

And instead of listening to all the buzz out there,

I started testing everything myself.

I started to see a common pattern among those who struggle and failed in their Amazon KDP business…

They just go to and upload their books without a proper book research to know what the people wants to buy or are buying…

It was a loophole in the system, that nobody observed nor knew existed… 

I followed this discovery, did my research, created and published a very simple 20 page book within 24 hours using my proven WRITING WITHOUT WRITING FORMULA. 


And this is when everything took off…

This is when I hit my first $582 that very same month.

Felt like magic!! 

Shortly after, reality kicked in: “Was this a lucky shot?”

I immediately did more research, created and publish more short books and BOOM!!!

I started making an average of N1,000,000+ ($2,000+) monthly from my 8th month even without spending a dime for ads or any other expenses!!

No email marketing…

No hiring of ghostwriters…

No hiring of graphic designers…

No Amazon, Facebook or Google or Youtube ads…



No One Is Doing or Knows This...

The system I developed is still fresh and nobody knows about it in full detail.


You won’t even see me talking about it on my YouTube Channel.


For the past few years, I’ve been using this very same method to generate $5,000+ EVERY SINGLE.

This article was published on 26.11.2021 by King Barth
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