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Today is the 1st day of the rest of your life, right?

Hey, fellow entrepreneurs, good day and cheers from the Hills of Central Texas.

I realize we are in some unique and trying times. After 2 years of life transitions and researching dozens of businesses and opportunities, I have hitched my wagon to 3 systems instead of traditional products. Why? You might ask. So many product testimonials out there in the MLM, Network Marketing, Affiliate marketing and in my case, FMO's, financial marketing organizations, not to mention the traditional brick and mortar space.

I realized that every business owner needs and/or wants 3 common things: 

1. internet presence that is professional and effective (something you can be proud to share)

2. a marketing system, approach or platform that is user friendly and comprehensive WITHOUT paying gurus big bucks ($1 a day)

3. customers (leads, traffic, clients, partners, agents, reps, etc.; the Human capital)

To those ends in mind, stop by my website and let's see how we at BeTheAce Financial and Marketing can best customize a solution for you free of charge. I am helping people protect and preserve money, build assets, protect their income, recover from the Stock market eating their 401k, etc., and use fun, simple systems that All make money while promoting your existing business or passion. 

I was destined for these quarantined times it seems, but off the grid and free living really is my hot button? How about YOU?

an Ind. agent for PHP Agency amongst being a marketer and retired teacher/coach

A little about me: I was born and raised in TEXAS, and was a short timer in the USNavy with a full scholarship in Annapolis MD. I became a father at a young age and did not party from age 21-27. WHAT?

That's right, lol, I had to mature quick and raise a man, not a boy. He's 31 now. Can you guess my age?

I divorced young, switched schools and began law enforcement. Law school was an option, but after attending a military college, I honestly wanted to cut loose a little, if you can imagine that.

A few years doing survey construction work, odd jobs, a decade in the restaurant industry followed by 13 years as a teacher and coach of several high school sports, I get it. 

*****What do I get?***** I get the fact that a job is for making a living, Not a true lifestyle. Still blessed to 

have had my experiences with 2  wives, and 5 cool kids; Everything for a reason, season or

LIFETIME, right?

I have 5 kids with 2 grown sons and 3 amazing daughters, only one minor child at 10, so I have been on the parenting plan for a hot minute. It's time to give back to my aging parents and I hope to earn your trust, friendship, and business. See you soon on my page!!

NOTE: you can have bad credit or a not so good record for my digital offers.

For financial services, you will need a background check if selected to move forward. Thank you.

50% contracts are being offered as a performance promotion for the next 48 hours. Wow!! Unheard of--

This article was published on 13.05.2020 by Marcos Lopez
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