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Why You’re Already Failing In Network Marketing

A lot of people get started in network marketing because of the hype. If only the hype really painted the true picture of what network marketing was all about then people would have a realistic expectation of the program and will not quit so fast.  

So I will start off and say that you should never believe the hype. Network marketing makes it seem like you can earn fast money in a short space of time. People expect that to be the case. Instead people spend a longer time, months, even years to build a full time income that can replace their current income from a job.

I am not knocking network marketing. It can be rewarding if you are willing to sacrifice the time, but to get the paychecks that network marketing can provide you, requires determination, persistence and work.

It also requires taking action and the right type of action. Most people say they are working hard on their business but ask them exactly what they are doing every day to get the results that they want.

People do not realise that it takes consistent action everyday to make something work. Not a lot of people have that motivation to pursue a network marketing business when they are expected to do a lot of prospecting for the right business partners.

Pre-Qualify Your Prospect

I think it is important that when we invite someone into a network marketing opportunity that we be as open and as honest as to what it involves.

You see not everyone is qualified to do network marketing and this is why so many people fail.

People see it as a way to get rich quick and whilst that is an ideal world, it is far from what network marketing is. This is the first thing that should be hammered on, when someone wants to join your network marketing business.

You will find that most people who are preframed about what they are about to get into, will help the network marketer in the long run because then they need not worry about whether the opportunity seeker will be a tire kicker or an action taker.

Do not simply recruit someone just for the sake of adding a distributor to the downline. At the end of the day you will not make any money if the prospect does not work.

If I wanted someone to join my business, I will look for someone who is coachable, committed, works hard and understands that marketing does involve spending money. It takes money to make money: truth!

Get Proper Training

Another reason for the high failure rate is not having the right system in place. Remember when I started this post I spoke about taking the right action. Too many network marketers, are not trained on how to properly market their business.

They come into network marketing thinking that all they have to do is “share not sell” but the reality is, it takes a lot more than knowing what to say to someone to make the sale.

There are many marketing strategies out there that people are not taking the time to learn. Network marketing is not just about posting and hoping someone catches on. It is about guiding the prospect through a proper channel that makes it easy for them to understand the offer, get some valuable training along the way so that they can make an informed decision as to whether they want to invest their money in the offer.

You can actually make the process easy by creating a training funnel that allows the prospect to go through that funnel eventually leading to the sale.

I have found that this way helps to automate the process and gives the prospect the space that they need to learn about the offer on their own without the network marketer chasing after the prospect.

Who wants to chase after someone right? To cut out the chasing try my recommended marketing system which helps to automate process here.

Can Network Marketing Work For You?

Absolutely yes. All you need is the right mindset and as long as you understand that helping more people is what brings results then you can be successful.

Be honest with people, avoid the hype, take action, provide valuable training and help them achieve their goals and they will be loyal to you.

This article was published on 26.06.2017 by Dawn-marie Nesbitt
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