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Proven Ways To Monetize Your Traffic As Publisher Or Start Bringing Top Quality Traffic To Your Website

If you are a webmaster or a website owner or you have an online business and perhaps you are wondering how you can drive traffic to your website?

Maybe you already have a website which has already gained a good online presence and having good amount of traffic. Are you wondering how you can monetize your traffic  and earn money from your content?

There are several ways one can monetize web traffic and make money from his/her online content.

1. By renting an unused space on their websites to advertisers to place banners

2. Join online programs like google adsense, infolinks etc and earn money from pay per click. When you register on these program and accepted. You are provided with a java code which you places on your website. This code serves advertisements from their servers to your website. Then you get paid when your readers clicks on the served advertisements. Some of the programs also earns you money on what is called cost per thousand mile (CPM). It is the cost that an advertiser pays publisher for 1000 views/ clicks

3. Join online affiliate programs like amazon, jumia etc. In these programs you earn money by referring customers to these websites. Once the customer purchases a product, you get a commission. You may opt to write reviews based on these products. You include your unique referral code provide on your affiliate account that tracks all your customers and sales.

4. You can also opt to join pop under networks. In these programs you earn money by placing a code on your website. When your readers clicks on any part of you website a popup windows opens with an advertisement. In that way you earn money.

In this article lets focus on pop under network

One of these networks is PopAds network - The Best Popunder Adnetwork

Pop Ads Network

Is a network that benefits both advertisers and publishers at the same time.


When you become an advertiser on popads network you have the authority to control how much you want to spend on your advertisement campaigns. (set up your spending budget), Set up your keyword, The time and also set up your geographical targeting(Traffic based on country). That is if you want traffic from specific regions of the world you can do so right from your advertiser's account.

All publisher pages that serves pop under are human viewed so the traffic is real and high potential conversion rate

They have a very advanced anti fraud technology


The rates and the international coverage are the best in the industry. They have advertisers from over 40 countries. For rates: Example; if you have a 1000 visitors to your website the rate is not less than $4.00. You have the ability to specify the rate you want. ie the price of a single popunder.

Payments are made as from $5.00 via paypal and alertpay within 24 hours. You can set to receive your payments once you reach $5.00

This article was published on 13.03.2018 by Patrick Githinji
Author's business opportunity:

Pop Ads Network - Advertising,, Free to join

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