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NUMBER ONE COMPENSATION PLAN and I'm number 2 in the state!


I am Keaira. 

And over the spring, My husband came home saying "enough."   We could no longer make ends meet, and I could no longer stay home with my beautiful babies. I was heartbroken. I knew I had to do something or he would get a second job and we would never get to see him...

I had been taking some products for a while and knew just how amazing they were. So I started spreading the word...  My dad, mother-in-law, husband, and myself had lost weight and gained our health back and I was on track to helping others gain theirs as well! 

And My energy level! I can easily chase my toddlers around all day and not be begging for bedtime! There is a wonderful freedom in that, itself!

Now,  this isn't a magic pill you take to make your fat melt off, and a miracle button to make you rich over night....   This is a lifestyle change! Everyone that has reached out to me and committed has been successful. 

We are an all natural, organic company with a "never ever" policy. We will never ever put anything harmful in our products. All our products are from food. Its such a wonderful feeling to know if I leave these products around, I don't have to worry about my toddlers or pets getting into them! 

When I actually started looking at turning this into a business, I could not believe the compensation plan! and to top it off.... understanding it, I am still surprised when I log in and have more money waiting one me! 

Not only are the products top of the line and AMAZING, the compensation plan is too! 

This is an opportunity company. We are just starting our momentum period. If you have been in MLMs for any time, you know that this is a crucial time to get started with us! 

I WANT YOU ON MY TEAM! Remember, I'm number 2 in the state! What exactly does that mean for you? Having a mentor is a huge key to success in network marketing. Having that example to duplicate is how you become successful in the network marketing world! Plus, this being our momentum period, there is plenty of opportunity to be on top! 

Check out this link. Enter your email.

I so look forward to getting to know you!

This article was published on 12.07.2018 by Keaira Witten
Author's business opportunity:


Member comments:

L.B. Hasan I really liked your passion for you product. I could feel you, my friend. And your belief is strong. I’m applaud you. Also, I could not visit your website. The link is dead;-(  5 years ago
L.B. Hasan Hi Keaira, LB here...  5 years ago

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