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If You Spend Money on Wine Monthly Take a Look - UK PreLaunch Too

Direct Cellars is a wine club that for customers is monthly where wine is shipped from all over the world. While Direct Cellars does not own any wineries, they sure have quite a number of established wine experts in their ranks who travel the world selecting wines and arranging for delivery to customers.

Direct Cellars

I usually use wine to cook, and sip a little on the side sometimes. Having wine tastings, though is a lot of fun, and I do them at my home, at friend's homes or at a local restaurant. Often the restaurant owner becomes a member of Direct Cellars, gets 40% OFF cases of wine,  and conducts regular wine tastings as an enjoyable event for customers. Of course on top of this they earn residual income from the club!

The compensation plan is very appealing, and it works! There are some who travel the country doing wine tastings and earn $15,000 to $20,000 a month. My sponsor is fortunate to have one man in her downline, and she reaps the rewards of his work (although he really enjoys what he does)!

Once you get three customers your monthly wine is free. If you sign as a premium wine lover at $499, you get a website and back office with no monthly payment, 12 bottles of wine to get your wine business in gear, and training that is available practically daily all over the country and by phone. 

We even have Wine Whisperer Wednesdays with training on various wines and how to hold tastings, what types of food to serve, and how to invite. If I miss a one of the many FREE webinars, I can just email the Master Cellar, in this Nicolas Andreasson, and he calls me or emails me right back with answers. So great he has time for me!

Direct Cellars is unlike anything I have ever done. I don't drink much at all, but the social nature of the wine tastings is a great outlet for me. I think others have a great deal of fun as well, and they earn thousands a month!

The levels on which you can earn income are not limited, which is amazing. When you sign up a Premium Wine Lover, maybe a restaurant owner or a friend, you earn $250. When you sign up the next level down you earn $125. Then you qualify to earn residually with 1 left and 1 right. There is unilevel and binary pay and check match as well. I have a great video to share about the compensation plan if you message me (this is a 2 link announcement).   You will be impressed!

Even MORE exciting is the PRELAUNCH under way now for the UK. If you know anyone there and can sponsor them your life is about the change!  

Register HERE to win 4 bottles of Direct Cellars wine!

This article was published on 06.07.2017 by Elizabeth Block
Author's business opportunity:

Direct - Wine, 249 USD to join

Member comments:

Terry Bailes Elizabeth: This was an excellently written Article. Well spoken, Informative and call to action! Excellent!  6 years ago

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