NEWGLOW4U Organic Health beauty
Hello my friends,My name is shirley Horvat I grew up on a hobby farm .We had 3 horse named spike ,Duke and Blaze which was my horse ,those days were the best day growing up.I grewup in Richmond B.C life wasnt always good there were times that were crazy ,but i preffer to remember the good times .I remember this one time I entered the rodeo with my friends that day was crazy.My mom helped me get ready ,We saddle up Blaze with the best saddle and gear also me with my whole cowgirl out fit on .We all rode up the sawdust trails to shell rd which the rodeo was taking place. .I we so nervous as we arrived ..I was waiting and then the gait open as they called my name .I was so laser focused and Blaze and i just were so connected that every turn arround the barrel grabbing of the stick out of the barrel and doing the figure 8 putting it the other barrel just seemed to flow with ease and i had finished the race with a sense of awe .Then i hear my name called to come up front I was in awe .Blaze and I came in second place winning a blue ribbion.Year went by and i had to sell Blaze because my parent had to sell the farm ,as those memories alway there i didnt tell to many about this as time passed , so many things changed as i growing up .My Family lives with CMT a form of Muscular Dystrophy which effects the nerves in feet and hands which also effects the telomeres i had found a solution to help me by adding good essential nutients to my diet a exercise so i can thrive on a daily bases .I want to offer you a solution to maintain good health and solve your health issue by offering you a health evalution that give you the solutions when you complete the free Qiuz .When you singup as a preffered customer you get wholesale prices and rewards point towards next purchase .1778608 3386
For the Month of May15 to 31 2023 you can signup for free as a distributor. You can also Purchase a distibutor kit .You can start today signup here at Thank you Shirley Horvat
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