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$1,000 A Month Net Profit Guaranteed!

I have been in the home business industry for over 40 years and seen some very good times and some not so good times; but overall I have been very blessed with success.

My main concern, however, during all that time has been the fact that most of the people I have sponsored (many thousands of them) have not made a profit.

Its true that a great number made some money and its also true that a great many made nothing; but even  of those who made money the number that actually made a profit is very small.

There is a tendency for people to publish earnings statements, sometimes falsified and sometimes true. The problem is that even when true they do not reflect the PROFIT because expenses are hardly ever shown.

For someone to say they made $1,000 in commissions may or may not be true but if true what was the cost? Often there are up front costs that are related to affiliate fees and product purchases, but the real killer is the advertising costs. More often than not the $1,000 in commissions has cost $1,000 or more in expenses resulting in no profit and usually a net loss.

This is why I love my pal Tich who has a plan to help anyone and everyone make money!

Just to give you a bit of background Tich is from South Africa and about the turn of the century he scraped together enough for the fare to the USA in search of a better life. He arrived almost penniless speaking hardly any English and hr struggled for years often sleeping under bridges and living on one 99 cent fast food meal every couple of days.

To cut a long story short he eventually started making money online and went from strength to strength becoming a well respected and sought after marketer, paid by many top organisations to design their campaigns. 

He has a passion for research and marketing that is unmatched and has brought him great rewards and he has become one of the best marketers I have ever known because of this.

But he remembers where he came from and how he struggled and like me he has a burning desire to help others succeed. With this in mind he has put together a plan that is unmatched and literally guarantees that anyone regardless of background, experience, past failure or success, WILL MAKE A PROFIT!

It is working for me and it will work for you!

How would a minimum profit of $1,000 a month change your life between now and Christmas? 

Does Christmas seem a long way off? We have already passed 100 days in 2017; how are your New Year resolutions coming along?

While we can't help you lose weight or climb Mt Everest 

What Tich and I can help you with is fixing your bank account. Then you can worry about the rest sitting in a brand new car or in your fancy house. 

To learn more about this (no its not free) check out my blog post at ....

This article was published on 06.04.2017 by Graham Frame
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Freedom Formula - Venture Capital, Free to join

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Staci Hufton could you message me pls   7 years ago

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