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LOVEWINX by Sasha Newman info

Have you ever heard the saying that today is the first day of the rest of your life? Well today could be that day!!!! You may ask yourself, why LOVEWINX… the answer is a VERY EXCITING new opportunity to join the fastest growing romance company in the industry and get in on the GROUND FLOOR with the release of our own Essential Oil line! 


The compensation plan gives back 81% of the retail to its consultants in commissions. Also, NO website or Monthly Maintenance fee anymore, that’s right NO fees!!! They also encourage your partner/spouse to be involved in your business!! That’s right they encourage them to go to all the meetings with you, listen into the calls with you, and go to all the events they hold. They even have stuff planned for them at the annual Conventions and trainings. This year Convention will be in San Antonio TX in March 2019.  


We (LOVEWINX) manufacture 81% of all our products. With the Body Collections line, not only have they taken a healthier and more natural approach to their formulas because, they believe that you and your beautiful body deserve only the best they also manufacture 100% of them. All other “consumables” (spa and intimacy lotions and Essential Oils) are made not only by LOVEWINX but, made in the USA and made with more natural ingredients!!  LOVEWINX also manufactures some of their toys however, not all toys are made in the USA.  LOVEWINX also believe all their consumables are vegan. However, some vegans believe that bees wax is not vegan. If that’s the case, then they would exclude the balms. With that being said, our balms are healthier and more natural because they use bees wax vs. many other companies who use petroleum wax. LOVEWINX believes their products are more natural because, they are derived from plants. They use absolutely NO animal products. 


Check out my new website at and let me know what you think, the good, the bad and the ugly ;)   Can’t wait to hear back from you!!!! 


Check out our Business Kits at the link below. Either click or copy and paste into your browser. This month they are up to 75% off and as low as $125!!!! PLUS then next 5 people to join my team will get $100 in additional FREE Product!!!! Contact me for more info! 

Can't wait to hear from YOU,

Yours Truly,

 LOVEWINX by, Sasha Newman 

This article was published on 29.11.2018 by Sasha Newman
Author's business opportunity:

LOVEWINX - Love, Life, Style, 125 USD to join

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