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Personal Introduction

Thank you for taking the time to read this personal introduction.  The business strategy I employ is based upon the value of healthy relationships, i.e. doing business with people I know and who know me.  In other words, I still believe healthy relationships are what healthy businesses are built with.  I actually care about my customers and business builders as a person more than I care about them as a customer and business builder!

My purpose in pursuing a marketing strategy on this forum is to meet new people from around the world so I can find those who share the same value for people as I do and are willing to operate a business based upon this value.  Does this sound like you or someone you know? If so, I would like to connect for a conversation. 

You can also find me on social media.  Make sure to connect there as well as in this forum, but make sure to identify where you found me and why you are connecting.  You can find me here!  You will find I do not mention much about my business opportunities specifically on social media.  Instead I post personal things, encouraging stories, and inspirational quotes, songs, and information.  The people I connect with on social media do business with me as a result of who I am instead of endless marketing, company or product specific, messages.

In addition to social media, you may connect with me through my blog where I share content relevant to the topics of LOVE, LEAD, and LAUGH.   Loving well is an endless topic, and I will spend the remainder of my days learning more what it means to love others (family, friends, customers, and business builders) well. 

Leading others well is the result of loving them well.  This looks different from person to person.  For example, to love and lead my family well looks different than loving and leading a business builder well; however, there are certain core truths about loving others well that are applicable regardless of the context. 

A proverb from an ancient King in the Middle East says it well, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones” – King Solomon.  The condition of my heart has a direct affect upon the outward expressions of how I live life and relate with others; therefore, I must constantly evaluate the condition of my heart.  To once again quote Solomon, “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.”

This article was published on 13.10.2017 by Donny Crass
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