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MOIA Instant Cash Strategy and Game Plan

My name is Derrick Mkandla and I am the founder of (MOIA,) a private membership site that provides high quality business education and training to online entrepreneurs. I have been marketing online for around four years, struggling for the first three years and spending thousands on courses and various shiny objects, but during the last twelve months I have made significant progress thanks mainly to finding the right mentor. Once you find someone you can trust, who has travelled the road before you, then all you have to do is follow in their footsteps.

Now, it’s a well known fact that 97% of people who start a Home Business fail to make a success of it. Given this harsh statistic, it is hard to believe, particularly if you are new to the world of Online Marketing, or you haven’t had the results you’ve been looking for in your online marketing, that this industry can indeed create the kind of lifestyle that most people only dream of.

But in fact there are lots of online marketers out there living the dream and earning more money than top sportsmen, doctors, actors, lawyers, you name them, and the reason they are successful is not because they work harder or are smarter than everyone else. It is simply because their businesses are: 1. Set up correctly to succeed, and 2. They get enough eyeballs to see their business to be able to attract enough of those who may be interested to join them.

In this article, and others to follow, I am going to set out the path that I and many others have taken and continue to take to position ourselves for success and which can help you to do the same. I call it the MOIA Instant Cash Strategy and Game Plan. All you have to do to succeed is to take the information that I will share with you, act on it and then show it to others who are also looking to improve their lives. That, essentially, is all there is to it.

Four Principles

The MOIA Instant Cash Strategy and Game Plan is based on the following four principles:

1. Learn traffic and lead generation skills

This simply involves learning how to drive as much traffic as possible to your capture pages, using free and paid traffic methods. At we have a perpetual traffic plan that will deliver a consistent flow of visitors to your capture pages.

Note - those who do not know what a capture page is, and/or are unfamiliar with some of the other Internet Marketing terms that I shall be using throughout this article, may visit the “My Blog” link at, where they will be able to download my eBook, Anatomy of a Sales Funnel, in which the meanings of a lot of these terms are explained. I also share a lot more information on this subject in my 12-part, Automatic Marketing Video Course in the member’s area.

2. Build a quality list of subscribers

So why should you build a list? You build a list because your list is your biggest asset in your online business. This is borne out by a famous saying in the world of online marketing that says “The money is in the list,” because a list gives you the ability to literally turn your computer into an ATM cash machine.

But for that to happen, it has to be a quality list of subscribes. What do I mean by a quality list of subscribers? Well, you want a list of targeted people in your niche, in my particular case it is the Make Money Online niche, because they already understand your business and the value you have to offer.

Of course, you do not ignore people outside your particular industry, because there are always new people looking for ways to get into whatever market you are is in.

3. Share value

Now, the money may be in the list, but “the fortune is in the follow up.” Building a successful online business depends on the relationships that you strike up with your list of subscribers. This is why, initially, it is important for you to focus on improving your personal value and not worry about the outcome of your marketing. Once your subscribers know you and trust you, then they will buy from you.

You have to improve your personal value to grow your business because it is by learning, doing and then teaching what you learn that you provide value to your list. You don’t just do it for yourself, but you do it for your team also. Your level of expectation must match your level of expertise, so you should continually be looking for ways in which you can acquire and share more value with your list, each and every day.

4. Positioning yourself to profit online

Now, building a list positions you to profit even when potential customers say NO to your primary opportunity. This is because, in this business, there is a rule that says 97% of people that see your business will not be interested in what you have to offer, mainly because they already have a business of their own. 

Now, all businesses need traffic and leads, therefore, by equipping yourself with traffic and lead generation skills you position yourself to profit from some of the 97% that say no to your primary business, by offering them a solution to the problem of getting leads for their business.

As a famous Network Marketer once said, “you need to set your business up to be like a supermarket, not a baker.” This is the basis of the list building strategy, which offers more value than the product we are selling.

MOIA Instant Cash Sales Funnel

Now, everything I have described so far sounds wonderful in theory, but how do we actually put it into practice?

Well, in order to Make Money Online you need a sales funnel. At, we have a unique sales funnel that provides a direct path to success for our prospects and all they have to do to grow their income is duplicate the system and teach it to others. That is what customers want.

As I explained earlier, for the most part, your leads couldn’t care less about your primary business opportunity. They just want to see a clear path to getting results, which we clearly demonstrate in our Instant Cash Sales Funnel. The Instant Cash Sales Funnel is so called because it generates much needed cash in the front end from the multiple streams of income that make up the funnel, which we use to fund our marketing campaigns and paid traffic.

At some point in the future we can choose to invite our customers to join our primary business, but we are still able to make money from the other income streams that make up the Instant Cash Sales Funnel, even if they do not join our business.

>> Click Here to learn more about the MOIA Instant Cash Sales Funnel


So, in summary, we:

1. Build a list of targeted prospects by driving tons of traffic to our Instant Cash Sales Funnel capture page.

2. We follow up with our leads by providing them with value and showing them how they can do the same simply by duplicating what we do.

3. We make money from some of the 97% of people that say NO to our primary opportunity from the multiple streams of income that together make up the MOIA Instant Cash Sales Funnel.

>> Click here to visit

This article was published on 23.01.2017 by Derrick Mkandla
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