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Flip Your Memories with Marie!

Do you live the life that you love?

Have you ever had doubts you will be able to reach a certain goal in your life such as finding the right career that suits you, meeting your soulmate, losing weight, improving your sleep, or having financial stability? Do you unconsciously believe your world is falling apart and nothing wonderful is there for you?

Then Memory Flipping will be the solution for you!

Memory Flipping allows you to change the negative or even traumatic memories that are holding you back and causing the problems mentioned above. By flipping those memories, you can eliminate the limiting beliefs and free yourself.

With Memory Flipping, you won`t forget your original life. During the session, we will identify the memory that is holding you back. Following this, you recall it and, you can change it under my guidance, so you are no longer subconsciously limited by the memory. The heaviness from that experience will seem to seep into the background. This allows you to feel joy from whatever new memory you wish to make.

About Memory Flipping

This method has been influenced by many other theories and has a solid psychological foundation. If you are familiar with EFT tapping therapy and EMDR therapy, you can get a sneak peek of what Memory Flipping partly is.

Yet, it differs widely from the ones mentioned. The potential of this technique is unlimited, as is our capacity of storing memories.

This technique aims to reshape your identity and release traumatic memories that are an obstacle to present growth. By re-experiencing the memory, we want to shape, we not only heal on an emotional level but also start changing the way we behave in life.

Hello, my name is Marie,

 I am here from the United Kingdom to introduce an astonishing technique to you, which has helped thousands of people so far.

After my original profession where I support individuals and families where a family member lives with additional needs, I came across this amazing opportunity to extend my knowledge of Memory Flipping and support others as well.

During the sessions, I aim to treat the individual’s mental and emotional well-being. Each session begins with a holistic consultation where I will listen to and understand your needs, and you can ask whatever you think is relevant to understand you better. This will ensure, that you will get the most benefit from the sessions. You will feel the difference right away.

I can`t wait to hear your story. Together we will push away those hurdles that are holding you back from the life you love.

Sessions are available in the comfort of your own home via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions at

Please visit my website

This article was published on 24.03.2023 by Mariann Taylor
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