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Ditch the Coffee- Go For Matcha!

If you are drinking coffee for your energy boost, you are not taking advantage of the great health benefits that matcha has to offer. Matcha is a tea made from the entire leaf of the tea plant. It has the highest antioxidant levels of any naturally occurring substance. Antioxidants have so many health benefits for your body that you are going to want to start reaping them TODAY. 

1) Helps prevent cancer. Antioxidants help prevent the cells in your body from the unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radicals make their way into our body through the environment and have been known to cause cancer in the body.  Antioxidants block these molecules from attaching themselves to your cells in your body, therefore helping to prevent cancer. 

2) Natural energy boost. There is naturally occurring caffeine in matcha that gives you a sustained energy boost. Coffee gives you energy for a little bit and then you have a crash and you need more. Matcha has a more sustained source of energy and you avoid the crash. 

3) Very versatile. Matcha has a ton of different uses. You can brew it into a yummy tea. You can add it to your morning smoothie, oatmeal or yogurt. You can bake with it. You can add it to your regular flavored tea. You are sure to find a way that works for you!

4) Tons of yummy flavors! Steeped Tea has an advantage over other matcha on the market. We have a whole bunch of different flavors of matcha available! How about vanilla? Or chocolate? Or coconut? Or banana? Or clementine? There are more in the online catalog as well, so take a peek and see what you want to try!

5) Cheaper than going out for coffee. There are 100 servings in a bag of matcha. Think about how far that can get you! At 100 servings per bag, that makes our match cost $0.39 cents per serving. Where else can you go out and get a cup of coffee for $0.39? I've never heard of a place... Better for your body AND better for your wallet. 

Interested in learning more? Shop my online catalog filled with over 100 types of tea, matcha, scone mix, dip mixes, and seasonings here:

If you are interested in the opportuniTEA of becoming a Sipologist and throwing tea parties for a job, join my awesome team here:

This article was published on 19.02.2018 by Susan Smith
Author's business opportunity:

Steeped Tea - Tea, matcha, dip mix, 145 USD to join

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