Just open it!
Brand new company!
Barely out of the gates – this company is breaking records left and right. Why? Well that part is coming.
It has been said that the best time to join a Network marketing company is in the beginning. I used to think that was crap.
I am sure there are other reasons for the explosive growth – but this is amazing to me. We have people who are seasons MLM people – in other companies 5, 10, even 15 years and in 3 months are making more money than they ever have!
My take on MLM and why I am here
I have been a business coach with some of the top GURU’s in the business world. Mention their name and chances are I have been on stage with them and have coached their top clients. I have always avoided the industry because it was a conflict of interest.
I have decided to walk away from the business and build with M Network (www.gold.m.network/opportunity).
My goal, instead of breaking away and doing my own coaching – is to take my downline and help them improve their lives.
Many people have paid $300-800 per hour to get on the phone with me.
Who am I looking for
I am looking for key people to work with. I am not looking for anyone to work with and build with.
These are my requirments:
1. Teachable – You must be open minded, teachable and willing to learn.
2. Feel like this is the industry for you.
3. Understand capital/credit leverage.
4. Decision Maker – President Roosevelt said “more opportunity is lost from indecision rather than a bad decision”… I need people who are every day business decisions as long as they have the proper tools in front of them.
You can click the link above to get more info on the product. And, that is really another article coming – but bottom line is the majority market is promoting hydration as it is placed into water for consumption.
Products with natural properties free of dyes, artificial colors etc.
AND diabetes friendly (natural sugar)! We have products that:
1. Produce Energy
2. Promote weight loss
3. Increase brain power
4. Power antioxidant
As a company our goal is to only provide products that:
1. Taste, smell or feel good!
2. Be Easy to share
3. Have an IMMEDIATE impact
4. Premium Quality
5. Sell at retail, competitive price points.
We are not trying to be the next company – but rather the best.
Text me if you are interested in having a conversation about our company.
Most of our business overview happen online, as a matter of fact we have one in tonight. Reach out to me and I will make sure one of my people contact you within 24 hours.
Hydration products video: http://bit.ly/2qXG7gc
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