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How to Change Your Negative Self-Talk

Mindset Moment...

How to Change Your Negative Self-Talk

When you think about it most of us are in a state of war with ourselves.

A negative fierce battle...

I bet you, you probably have no idea that it's going on; or if you do, how to even stop it...

At one time in your life you had absolutely no inhibitions.

For example, If you were to say to a room full of kindergartners: "raise your hand if you could sing."

Not only would every hand go up but if you were to put on some music those five to six year olds would 

sing to the top of their little lungs. The same thing would apply to dancing or any other so-called embarrasing

scenerio. All of this would be done with on inhibition what so ever.

Now fast forward thirty or forty years and you ask the same question about singing or dancing, not a single had would go up!

You thought and believed you could do anything...

But at some moment you started to trust the opinions of others about yourself over your own...

Eventually leading to thinking you're not good enough...

Creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, setting you up for failure.

If you continue to feed your mind with negative thoughts causing you not to love and honor yourself how do you expect others to do the same?

Can you really expect them to give you their time and money?

Keep in mind that "TIME is MONEY."

So how do you stop the battle of negative self-doubt waging in your head?

First step is to declare war on your words and your thoughts...

Refuse to listen to that voice from the past...because it has NOTHING good to say...

Second fill your mind with positive words and thoughts DAILY.

Affirmations, meditation, personal development audios, books, videos...

Third, teach what your're learning to others on your TEAM

Imagine if EVERYONE on your team had a positive mindset...

Finally apply what you are learning.

Yes, it's going to take effort because your mind is going to put up resistance. Being in the old negative state of mind is so much easier and comfortable.

It will take effort and determination but you can do it!

In the final analysis, do you REALLY have a choice NOT to change your negative self-talk?

Do you want your business to grow and prosper?....

Do you want inspire and lead others?

I'm sure you know the answer...

This article was published on 13.03.2018 by Nathaniel Wright
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